Shura God Emperor

Chapter 171: Seven Kill

"That's it!"

Xiao Yu's heart moved. This fist print felt completely different from the other fist prints. It felt like something was calling him.

At the same time, Xiao Yu clenched his fist, and then printed it.

At this moment, a "boom" with an extremely terrifying killing intent covered a radius of hundreds of meters like lightning, and everyone's complexion changed.

"What an amazing killing intent!"

Even Xiao Yu was shaken in his heart. Such terrible killing intent was actually caused by boxing techniques?

At this moment, in Xiao Yu's mind, there was an extra boxing technique immediately--

Seven kills punch! Green product!

Xiao Yu was overjoyed, it turned out to be the green style of boxing, could it be the good boxing method that Dahuang said?

However, this kind of green boxing technique is also found in Xiao Yu's spirit skills, but since Da Huang said that this boxing technique is powerful, there must be something special, and Xiao Yu must have understood it.

Xiao Yu soon closed his eyes.

On the other hand, this huge killing intent was really shocking, and even the onlookers felt an unprecedented shock.

"Is it the Green Pin's boxing technique?"

Those royal children were a little shocked.

Although there is only one spiritual skill of the royal family, they know that the royal family must have several green products, but basically only those royal genius children or heirs are qualified to practice.

After all, Huang Pin’s spiritual skills are already very powerful, and there are also levels in Huang Pin’s spiritual skills.

Tang Ling'er was also happy for Xiao Yu, the Green Grade's spiritual skills were indeed the most powerful in the royal family.

But at this moment, the three of Wei Rongxin suddenly moved, and the three of them were walking towards Xiao Yu at the same time.


Tang Linger's expression changed slightly, they were trying to interfere with Xiao Yu's enlightenment!

She just wanted to jump on, suddenly, Wei Rongxin and the three of them stopped immediately, and it was Jieyin who gestured to agree with the time.

Immediately afterwards, an energy mask centered on the stele, immediately covering a radius of 500 meters.

These five hundred meters happened to surround Wei Rongxin's three people inside.

Tang Linger's figure was immediately cut off by an invisible energy.

"Enchantment!" Tang Linger's face turned pale, and immediately glared.

"Wei Rongxin, what are you going to do?"

Wei Rongxin said faintly: "Miss Tang, this is our grievance with Xiao Yu, so you shouldn't interfere."

Immediately, the three of them moved closer to Xiao Yu, and the royal children were all stunned and didn't seem to have reacted, but soon, they all started to sigh.

"Finally it's about to be shot."

"Is there any way, Xiao Yu offended the king... Well, offended the big people, even if they don't, he won't be well in the capital."

"The defense of the barrier has been deployed, and the three of them have been combined. It seems that Xiao Yu will definitely die."

Those royal children have a lot of contact, so they know a lot.

In fact, they vaguely guessed the purpose of Wei Rongxin's trio, but they didn't expect that they would actually trouble Xiao Yu at this moment.

You know, Xiao Yu is on the way to enlightenment now! This cannot be disturbed, otherwise it will be difficult to continue to comprehend the mood.

Tang Linger's palm was brewing spiritual power, and a palm slammed up, but the barrier didn't move.

"Miss Tang, don't waste your effort. These barriers can't be broken even in the spirit realm." One of the royal family members persuaded.

Of course Tang Ling'er knew how powerful these enchantments were. She was anxious and only hoped that Xiao Yu could survive the enchantment time.

Because the barrier is maintained by three people, as long as a certain period of time has passed, the barrier will be automatically lifted, and then I will help Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu, you have to hold on..."

As soon as Xiao Yu closed his eyes, he felt three familiar and icy killing intents approaching him. He opened his eyes and stared at the three people coldly.

"It looks like you are going to make a move too!"

Xiao Yu released his fist marks, his face calm.

In fact, the artistic conception of the fist-print formula and the traveling travel is in Xiao Yu's mind, but he has to combine the artistic conception of the stone tablet to comprehend it, so that it will have a multiplier effect.

However, it is a pity that Xiao Yu was disturbed. To be honest, this would have a certain degree of influence on Xiao Yu's understanding, but what he is doing now is to solve the three people in front of him.

Wei Rongxin and the three were a hundred meters away from Xiao Yu, and they could not hold back for a long time.

"Xiao Yu, this is your own death. You should have expected such consequences when you enter the Forest of Boxing Tablets."

Xiao Yu said faintly: "If I can't get in, it's a dead end. Why don't I come in and give it a try? And I want to see what kind of strength came to kill me this time."

His words directly exploded the royal family behind him.

"My God, isn't this the first time?"

Soon they just kept silent, how much hatred did that big man hate Xiao Yu that he sent someone to kill Xiao Yu so many times?

Wei Rongxin said coldly: "Xiao Yu, if the king wants you to die for the third watch, he won't let you live until the fifth watch. We will take your life today!"

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