Shura God Emperor

Chapter 172: Tornado Kill

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Min and Li Guibin had a long sword and a long knife in their hands.

Both handles are fifth-grade treasures, and the aura on both of them rises like lightning.

Xiao Wan's strength exploded, and Xiao Yu was firmly locked in.

The two took a step forward, slurping their eyes to kill.

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Two people kill me and one, which is too dear to me."

They had initially dismissed Xiao Yu's strength, but they had changed their minds since they had witnessed the terrifying power that Xiao Yu burst out just now.

In addition, the capital has always been rumored that Xiao Yu's cultivation talent and strength are very powerful. Although they are two levels more than Xiao Yu, they don't want to have many nights and dreams. This time, Xiao Yu must be killed all at once!


The two of them besieged and killed each other.

The strength of the Long Knife's law is strong and sinking, mixed with the incomparable courage, is shrouded in it.

The sharp aura erupting from the long sword seemed to cut Xiao Yu into two pieces.

"First-class Taito!"

"Long song as dance!"

The mighty energy burst out, not yet in front of Xiao Yu, but the momentum was already enough to make people feel shocked.

Wang Min's sword style turned into a ten-meter-long tornado, like a dancing sea beast.

At the same time, Li Guibin's is a silver-white streamer, the two intertwined and strangled away.

Xiao Yu's gaze flickered, and the Seven Star Sword appeared in a flash.

As if knowing the master's fighting intent, the Seven Star Sword buzzed and trembled slightly, and the icy blue sword tip that had been fully revealed burst out with a bright light.

"Tornado slaying!"

The long sword suddenly danced, and the ice-blue sword intent formed a 20-meter-large tornado sword intent, which was directly strangled with a destructive posture.

"What an amazing sword intent!"

"What sword style is this?"

The expressions of Wang Min and Li Guibin changed. They didn't expect that Xiao Yu would have such a powerful sword style, and he was of green rank!

"Puff! Puff!"

The sword styles of the two were directly strangled and shattered, and at the same time Xiao Yu's tornado was just offset.

A powerful hurricane swept out directly, and Li Guibin and Wang Min's expressions changed, because the aftermath in the air also had an astonishing killing intent.

They immediately waved their weapons to resist, and at the same time they retreated vigorously, knowing that they had retreated more than ten meters before the aftermath was wiped out by them.

But look at Xiao Yu, he didn't even move at all!

The two of them looked even more ugly.

This kid actually knows Green Swordsmanship! How is this possible?

Although the green swordsmanship is one level higher than that of the yellow rank, in fact, this level is not just one level.

Wei Rongxin's expression became extremely gloomy. He originally thought that they could definitely kill each other by joining forces, but looking at each other, they were firmly on the top.

On the other side, those royal children were stunned.

"Just...that was, Green Grade Sword Technique?"

"My God, what adventure did Xiao Yu have on earth? No wonder that one wants to kill him!"

You know, the talent and the body are so terrifying, and now I still use the green spirit skills. If this potential is not eliminated as soon as possible, then it is definitely a trouble for the royal family!

They knew that Xiao Yu had taken refuge in Baoxuan Pavilion!

On the other side, inside the hall.

The moment the queen saw Xiao Yu using the Green Grade swordsmanship, her entire expression was as cold as freezing.

"Xiao Yu, you hide so deeply! You even cheated this palace!"

Only the queen knew what the green spirit skills meant to the royal family.

Although the royal family announced that there was only one Green Grade Spirit Skill, it was just an attempt to encourage those royal children to practice hard.

But in fact, there are not many green spirit skills in the royal family.

Xiao Mingzi was naturally surprised as well. He said anxiously, "Niang, could it be provided to Xiao Yu by Baoxuan Pavilion? It seems that if you don't get rid of Xiao Yu in the boxing stele forest this time, let him come out. The chance is even smaller."

The queen certainly understands this truth.

People in Baoxuan Pavilion could not enter the Forest of Boxing Tablets and wanted to kill Xiao Yu. This was definitely a good opportunity.

"It's no wonder that he has no fear. It turned out to be dependable, but unfortunately, he must die today."

Xiao Mingzi asked, "Queens, the three little ones, can they really kill Xiao Yu?"

The queen sneered: "I don't know the other two, but Wei Rongxin is different. He has an absolute advantage in strength, and he is not an ordinary cultivator."

Xiao Mingzi's eyes suddenly lit up...

Back to the boxing stele forest.

"I'll give you a chance, don't hinder, I can leave you a way out, otherwise I am really afraid that the wrong hand will kill you!" Xiao Yu said coldly.

Wang Min gritted his teeth and glanced at Li Guibin. The former said: "Xiao Yu, don't dream, you won't have a chance to escape today anyway! Give your life!"

The two danced with long swords and long swords. At this moment, within a space of hundreds of meters, they all released amazing murderous intent.

"The life is yours, you don't cherish it, then don't blame me, then I will give you a ride! Ssangyong kills!"

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