Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1710: The enchantment of Jianbei Mountain is closed (below)

Chen Yuan stood on the side of these second- and third-rate disciples, and his eyes were also sharp and cold.

The people headed by Chen Yuan were all vigilant, and even murderous intent was brewing, covering the area for hundreds of meters.

They knew very well in their hearts. For Chen Yuan, Yuan Shoubai sent Chen Yuan to participate in the Wujian Conference because he was unkind and wanted to obtain Chen Yuan's Hongyue swordsmanship, so Chen Yuan was bound to die.

For those disciples, they are already familiar with Xuanjian Pavilion's conspiracy and tricks, and they have also killed so many disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion and destroyed so many stone tablets. May I ask, Xuanjian Pavilion will save their lives and go back?

If they go back, wouldn't this matter go through the sky? Is the entire sect world known?

But Yuan Shoubai and the others now have no time to take care of the existence of almost dead people in their eyes, and all their eyes fall within the whirlpool.

They did not speak, and Chen Yuan and others dared not move.

Of course, Chen Yuan and others understand that Yuan Shoubai and others have more important objects to deal with, and they, to some extent, are almost waiting to die.

Chen Yuan almost went crazy just now, his strength was damaged, his injuries were serious, and his combat effectiveness was running low.

Coupled with the fact that these united disciples of the second and third sects behind him are uneven, even if they unite, they have no chance of winning at all in the face of Yuan Shoubai, a powerhouse beyond the three-day realm.

But invisible, they seemed to have some expectations in their hearts, hoping that the young man could come out and help them save this dead state.

"Brother Huang, he... can he come out?" A disciple of Seven Swordsmen asked Huang Peng next to him.

Huang Peng was the first disciple to be infected by Xiao Yu, and also the first disciple who decided to join Xiao Yu's camp and unite with other disciples against Xuanjian Pavilion.

He admired Xiao Yu very much in his heart, and he had already decided that he would regard him as his goal and benchmark.

Although they are under the mountain, they still feel what happened on the top of the mountain.

The powerful momentum, sword intent, and familiar aura fluctuations shocked these disciples. Except for the young man who "instigated" them to swing, who else had such courage?

The facts have proved that even Chen Yuan has come out now, but Yuan Shoubai and the others did not immediately launch an offensive against them. This shows that Xuanjian Pavilion is waiting for someone, besides that person, who else ?

At this time, Yuan Shoubai and their eyes contained amazing murderous intent. Although they were silent on the surface, the murderous intent in everyone's heart was already like the edge of a volcanic eruption. As long as it was triggered a little, it would gush out.

Yuan Shoubai, a master who surpassed the three-day realm, had already brewed murderous intent, as long as that figure appeared, they would act immediately.

Chen Yuan looked at them coldly, why are they waiting for the verdict?

Qi Yuming and the others had serious faces. They were also staring at the whirlpool. As outsiders, they also knew very well that as soon as the young man appeared, Xuanjian Pavilion would have an unprecedented battle.

Bystanders like them can only watch from the sidelines and can't do much at all.

Or to put it this way, even if they can do anything, they won't intervene at all, because this is a matter between Xuanjian Pavilion and that young man.

Not long after, just at this moment, suddenly, the whirlpool vibrated, but the changes in the whirlpool made the whole audience feel nervous.

The vortex slowly closed, but until it closed, no one came out!

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