Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1711: Forgive and forgive

"how come!?"

The faces of Chen Yuan's disciples turned pale, especially those of Qi Yuming who had seen Xiao Yu's talent on the top of the mountain were extremely shocked and unbelievable.

They thought that with that young man's talent, he should have been able to comprehend it, but who would have thought that he hadn't come out even after knowing that the enchantment of Jianbei Mountain was closed!

Chen Yuan was full of grief and anger.

For more than ten years, he finally met a stranger, but he was like-minded. He tried to pull himself out of hatred when he came up. He even rescued himself with death again and again, and his personality, talent and strength are all So let yourself look up to the existence.

But for such a young boy, he valued so much, he even thought he could be a life-and-death existence, and now he was left alone in the enchantment. How could he not feel heartache?

"It seems that this is destiny." Qi Yuming sighed.

"He takes the blame for himself! Killing someone will kill him!" The disciple of the Haotian School sipped, his heart was very happy.

The expression in the heart of Bai Yugu's daughter-in-law disciple also eased a lot.

"Evil causes cause evil consequences. Even if he does not die this time, he will be killed sooner or later," the disciple Bai Yugu said indifferently.

Xuanjian Pavilion over there.

Seeing that the space vortex finally closed, Yuan Shoubai and the other elders were still very gloomy, but after all, they were a little relieved.

"It's really cheap to let him stay in the enchantment like this!" The Third Elder said coldly.

"Originally, I planned to fry his skin and tear his bones, so that he could not live as good as death, and let him understand the fate of dare to fight my Xuanjian Pavilion! But I didn't expect this to let him die!" Hao Liang said in a deep voice.

"He died in this way, also tarnishing our sword monument barrier." The Fourth Elder agreed.

But when the sword stele enchantment was mentioned, Xuanjian Pavilion's face suddenly looked ugly.

The sword monument enchantment was originally a method used by their Profound Sword Pavilion to recruit disciples and launch a massacre, only because, except for the existence of the three heavenly stone monuments, the sword techniques in the other stone monuments were basically not too powerful.

But now?

The empty stone stele was destroyed, two of the three heavenly sword steles were destroyed, and their "conspiracy" of the Profound Sword Pavilion was exposed. May I ask, can they continue to hold it?

The Wujian Conference is well-known throughout the sect world, and people come here every five years, but if this goes out, their Xuanjian Pavilion will surely become a target.

And the only way is to kill these people who really want to know!

Zheng Xu's eyes were filled with astonishing murderous intent. He glanced at the people on Chen Yuan's side. Sen Han said: "Elder, these people, absolutely can't stay, otherwise once the matter of Jianbei Mountain goes out, we Xuanjian Pavilion will Become a target of public criticism."

Yuan Shoubai and other elders sipped their eyes, scanned the front, and said indifferently: "I didn't even think about keeping them, and killing my Xuanjian Pavilion disciple would cost my life!"

Life is for life!

The faces of all the disciples of the second- and third-rate forces changed wildly, but this was already what they expected.

"But I'm afraid that someone will leak the wind." Hao Liang next to him narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Yuming and others on the other side.

Qi Yuming waited for the Magic Moon Sect, the Haotian Sect, and the disciple of Bai Yugu's expression slightly moved.

Could it be that Xuanjian Pavilion wanted to kill even them in order to remove the roots?

Yuan Shoubai said indifferently: "It's okay, they won't leak the news, the seven sects are in the same spirit, and if we don't get through well, it will not do them any good."

The seven sects have the same vitality, and their status is respected, so naturally they will not overlap too much with the general second and third sects.

In addition, the overall status and function of Xuanjian Pavilion are not what ordinary people think.

Just like Xiaoyao Sect, even if Haotian Sect is not pleasing to the eye, it is impossible to let Xiaoyao Sect be destroyed.

This is a thousand-year sect that jointly maintains the stability of the sect world and balances the forces of all parties.

Qi Yuming and their faces were cold and did not speak.

The disciple of Clear Sky School sneered in his heart--

"Even if Xuanjian Pavilion is given 10,000 courage, they will not dare to kill us!"

Of course, Yuan Shoubai and others did not dare to kill the disciples of Haotian Sect, Huanyue Sect, and Bai Yugu. After all, they came to participate. These three sects should know a little bit about it. If something happens to them, wouldn't it be the Xuanjian Pavilion? Are you guilty?

Then they just dig their own graves?

"Well, since that kid is dead, then you have no value in living, kill! Nothing! Forgive!"

Yuan Shoubai's eyes were cold, his spear was finally aimed at these "innocent" people.

The audience was like a big enemy, Chen Yuan's spirit was shocked. Although death enveloped them, their bloodliness and unwillingness also drove them to unite, and even broke with Xuanjian Pavilion fish.

At this moment, suddenly from the sky, there was a sound of mighty heaven and majesty that enveloped the earth——

"You have to be forgiving and forgiving, staying on the sidelines for doing things, so you can see each other later."

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