Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1730: Broken jar

Chen Yuan is not a person who is good at expressing his emotions, but he has a delicate mind, he is very clear, and there are some things that do not need to be said so clearly.

And now, even though he was a small achievement in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, there were too few who could really help Xiao Yu.

And to a certain extent, Xiao Yu had helped him repay the hatred of their Hongyue Sect. Although he did not kill the culprit Yuan Shoubai, he knew very well that Xuanjian Pavilion could not be destroyed, and he The original intention did not want to destroy Xuanjian Pavilion, of course it was because he did not have this strength.

And now, Xuanjian Pavilion has suffered heavy losses, and the disciples of the disciples have also died so many people, he shouldn't stick to revenge, he should let go of his hatred.

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed with a firmness, took a deep look at Xiao Yu, and then turned and left.

Everything was silent, Xiao Yu took a deep breath as he watched the leaving figure.

The golden-green light flashed, and the dragon appeared on his shoulder, his eyes were a little puzzled.

"Brother Chen's demon lies in his hatred. If he can let go and release his talent, he may be better than anyone I have ever met. Being with me will only increase his burden and affect his cultivation."

Chen Yuan's heart was clear. Although he didn't say everything clearly, he knew his own situation best. Xiao Yu's thoughts were the reason Chen Yuan decided to leave.

"It seems that this time, the noise is a bit big!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but look up at the sky, the sky was gloomy and gloomy, and the wind and clouds changed, a kind of gloom enveloped this lower plane.

"Perhaps, it won't take long, the catastrophe will come soon, go back."

Xiao Yu walked in the direction of Xiaoyaomen alone.

Back to Xuanjian Pavilion.

After Yuan Shoubai vented the anger in his heart, his mood also calmed down a lot.

"Elder, what should we do next?" Hao Liang asked with a pale face.

Jianbei Mountain disappeared, and the three heavenly rank swordsmanship no longer belonged to their Profound Sword Pavilion. Four or five hundred disciples of the disciples died at once, and now the culprit had also left, and they began to become helpless.

Yuan Shoubai said solemnly: "Jin Sui, Cao Yukai!"

"The disciple is here."

Jin Sui and Cao Yukai were shocked and hurried out.

It can be said that among the inner and outer disciples present, these two are the strongest, because Zheng Xu, the true disciple, is dead.

But the other two true disciples went to experience the mountain.

"You two, go separately to find your senior brother and second senior brother to return to the sect to prepare for the next seven sect conference!"

Jin Sui and Cao Yukai's eyes lit up, and they looked for Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother. The goal was naturally not for the Seven Sect Conference, but more importantly, to kill Xiao Yu in the Seven Sect Conference!

Because at this time, only their two real brothers have this ability!

"Disciple obey orders!"

Jin Sui and Cao Yukai led some disciples down the mountain overnight.

Hao Liang frowned and said, "But before the Seven Sects Conference, there is a replacement conference for the Sects. I'm afraid they won't be able to come back. We have become the target of public criticism."

Xuanjian Pavilion killed so many Jian Xiu disciples in this way, and the sect to which these disciples belonged would never be so easy to let go.

Moreover, the replacement meeting of the seven major sects was also a rule for thousands of years. The purpose was to make the disciples of their respective sects aware of crisis and to encourage other sects to have the ability to replace the mountain gate of Xuanjian Pavilion.

The so-called Zongmen Replacement Conference aims to leave generous resources to other sects. Of course, the status of the seven sects almost does not allow provocation.

Just because the so-called replacement conference is nothing but the address of the sect, and a place in the world of the spiritual gathering tower, this does not involve the status of the seven sects.

"Spread the word, this year our Xuanjian Pavilion will close this replacement meeting! If you have complaints, you can come to my Xuanjian Pavilion! We will welcome them with the Five Elements Sword Formation!"

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