Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1731: Stay behind closed doors

After hearing this, the elders sank, and their faces were full of approval.

To a certain extent, the sect replacement conference will indeed pose a certain threat to the seven sects, but for so many years, these so-called replacement conferences have only given the second and third sects a chance to improve themselves and go An opportunity to challenge a higher and stronger existence.

Although it was a rule set by the early masters of the seven sects, the sects of the entire sect world can participate.

However, Xuanjian Pavilion suffered such a heavy loss at this Sword Enlightenment Conference. How can they still be in the mood to hold another conference?

"But I was afraid that they would have any complaints, and then unite. After all, now that Shi Dongrui and the others are not there, the Sect Master is also going to retreat. This is not good for us." The Third Elder said worriedly.

In the past, the replacement meeting was basically challenged by the sword repair sect. If they were in the past, of course they were not afraid, so it was enough to send them away at that time.

But it's different now.

Their strongest inner disciple is Jin Sui, and Jin Sui is only the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm. Such strength is definitely not enough.

You know, those powerful second-rate sects, true disciples also have the strength of the three-day realm, this is not allowed to be underestimated.

Although the seven sects are the strongest seven sects in the world, there are still many second-rate sects below that are also very powerful, but they don't have the thousand year-end accumulation like the seven sects.

And because of the Hongyue Sect, the position of Xuanjian Pavilion had been shaken more than ten years ago, so the Third Elder was so worried.

Yuan Shoubai said coldly: "These sects have already wanted to occupy my Xuanjian Pavilion sect, but over the years, have they ever succeeded? In addition, after this enlightenment conference, the three elders still think that we Xuanjian Is Jiange still kept away by them?"

Hao Liang said in a deep voice: "Yes, after this time, those sword repair sects and the implicated sects will regard us as thorns. Our Xuanjian Pavilion is destined to become the target of the public. The meaning of the great elder, now that this has been achieved. To the point where we have nothing to fear."

The elders suddenly nodded, their eyes wink slightly.

This is called breaking the jar.

Xuanjian Pavilion is different now. In the past, other sects might awe Xuanjian Pavilion by three points.

But now Xuanjian Pavilion has killed their disciples and has also worked out such a conspiracy. Will those sects let Xuanjian Pavilion go?

Perhaps after today, they will all have grievances, and they will discuss privately to join forces against Xuanjian Pavilion.

"Although we don't have a suzerain in charge, our Profound Sword Pavilion is not in vain! If they dare to come, we will let them go without reply! Let the news go, if you dare not convinced and dare to offend my Profound Sword Pavilion, then I have to bear the anger of my Xuanjian Pavilion!"

After all, the surrounding disciples trembled and felt the chill and murderous intent on Yuan Shoubai's body.

Yuan Shoubai took a deep look at his sect's disciple who had died on the ground, and suddenly turned around——

"The Seven Sects Meeting held every five years will be held in less than a year. This time, we will use the blood of Xiao Yu to wash away the shame of my Xuanjian Pavilion!"

Both Xuanjian Pavilion and the upper and lower members felt a kind of indignation in their hearts, but they knew that all feuds could only be repaid by the Seven Sects Conference.

"If the order continues, all the disciples will be closed in the sect! No going out!"


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