Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1754: Guardian of the Plane

"Plane Guardian?" Xiao Yu was taken aback.

This was the first time he had heard of such existence.

"Then their strength is very strong?"

"It's very strong, but their main task is the ability to guard the barrier."

Wen Zhan nodded and said: "In the war a thousand years ago, the guardians of the plane were naturally dispatched, but their duty was to maintain the stability of the plane. Because without them, the war would not require seven, seven or forty-nine days, it would only be one day. , The plane will be unable to withstand the shock of the powerful force and jump to pieces. But in the end, the battle between the seven sect masters and the black cliff sect master has exceeded the abilities of the guardians of these planes and has affected the world of thirty-six small heavens. If you don’t stop it, the entire thirty-six-day small world will be shattered. Finally, the mighty ones are dispatched to maintain the stability of the space. It can be said that both lose and lose, and the Black Cliff Sect is also facing escape."

I really don't know, the closer it is to the war a thousand years ago, the more surprised Xiao Yu is.

From the mouth of Wuchen to tell him about the world of Black Cliff, and then to the literary war they told themselves about the war a thousand years ago, Fang Rui told himself about the strength of the seven suzerains back then, and then to the guardian of the plane. .

"The sect replacement meeting was suggested by the seven sect masters when they were there. They entrusted the guardians of the plane to supervise them. As long as which sect is not held regularly, they will be deprived of the position of the mountain gate." Han Yi said.

"But Xuan Jiange said to close this year's sect replacement meeting, aren't they good at advocating?" Xiao Yu asked.

Wen Zhan directly shook his head, and immediately glanced at Xiao Yu and said, "If I guess right, the guardians of the plane should approve it. It is only because of Xuanjian Pavilion’s Sword Enlightenment Conference that they lost hundreds of disciples, Xuanjian Pavilion Sect The strength of the door is damaged, which is unfair to them."

This is actually understandable.

Xuanjian Pavilion had five or six hundred disciples, but because of Xiao Yu's relationship, three or four hundred of Xuanjian Pavilion's disciples died.

The replacement meeting of the seven sects itself was held by the seven sects. It was to let all the sect forces challenge their own sects. However, Xuanjian Pavilion's casualties were not enough to continue to replace the conference, because it was not for them. Fair.

Xiao Yu frowned, "But why is it impossible for us at Xiaoyaomen?"

In Xiao Yu’s view, when the Xiaoyao Sect was strong, there were thousands of disciples, but because of the decline year by year, the disciples went away and died in battle. Now they are no more than one or two hundred people. It should be possible to close this. Replace the convention?

"It's different."

Elder Jiang sighed, and said, "The Xuanjian Pavilion incident is an accident, which is considered a human disaster. But our Xiaoyao Sect is not. At the beginning of the Seven Sect Trials more than 20 years ago, the number of our Xiaoyao Sect disciples gradually decreased. , The sect began to decline, people were panicked, and the enthusiasm for cultivation of the disciples was greatly reduced, until now you see the situation."

Xiao Yu was silent, looking at it this way, the decline of Xiaoyao Clan was also a natural phenomenon.

This is not a natural disaster, maybe it can be regarded as a man-made disaster, but then again, if the Xiaoyao Gate is strong enough, who can replace it? How could Xiaoyaomen decline?

Look at the Magic Moon Sect and several other sects. Hasn't it been the same for thousands of years?

But Xiao Yu noticed that Wen Zhan and Han Yi's eyes flashed with a cold light.

This scene was captured by Xiao Yu again.

He remembered that he had asked why the Xiaoyao Sect had declined, but Wen Zhan had evasive and concealed something at that time, and they did not say so much to Xiao Yu.

Although Xiao Yu understood that there must be a lot of articles in this, he did not ask any questions.

And now, when it comes to events more than 20 years ago, Wen Zhan and the others apparently appeared in this manner again. Obviously, the decline of Xiaoyaomen was internally related.

Xiao Yu didn't ask too much, he still insisted that he would know when a certain time came.

"Don't worry about other things, we should focus on the next sect replacement meeting, Xiao Yu, you will do your thing, and we will hold it here." Han Yi recovered and did not want to give Xiao Xiao Yu said with too much psychological burden.

Yin Bai also nodded and said, "Yes, Junior Brother, Southern Cloud Region and his party, you must be careful, I am here, they will not succeed so easily."

"Let's not talk about these seven sect trial conferences. I have calculated the time. I should be able to come back in time before replacing the conference." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.

"Okay! If you can come back in time, that would be the best, but if you go to the Southern Cloud Region this time, all be careful, we will always wait for your help."


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