Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1755: See seniors of the Sirius clan!

The discussion was pending, Wen Zhan and several people also left, and Rhubarb slowly stepped in.

"Fate will not die, there must be a blessing, little devil, I am still worried that you will be killed by the chaotic sword." Da Huang glanced at Xiao Yu and said.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, this rhubarb was still so unobstructed.

"Since you know, don't save me." Xiao Yu shrugged.

Rhubarb certainly didn't want to see Xiao Yu die, and Xiao Yu certainly didn't want Rhubarb to save herself.

"I don't have this magical power. I can sense your danger, but my mana is limited here, and I can't use much magical powers."

Xiao Yu's heart moved and suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, Rhubarb, go, follow me to the bottom of the mountain wall, I will show you something."

Rhubarb was a little strange, but followed Xiao Yu to the bottom of the mountain wall.

The entire mountain where Xiao Yu was on belonged to him. This was the treatment of a true disciple.

Behind the pavilion is a steep mountain wall, and under the mountain wall is a place for practice.

Xiao Yu was only able to press his hand on the ground, and then a mouthful of golden and black coffin appeared on the ground.

An eternal breath is born spontaneously.

When Rhubarb saw the coffin, his eyes suddenly flashed with light. Its original lazy expression immediately became buoyant, with a pair of piercing eyes, it was simply a change from the previous laziness. .


Xiao Yu shouted loudly and with a "boom", the door of the coffin opened, and a huge figure of tauren stepped out.

This bull-headed figure, who is it if it is not a bloodhoof?

It's just that Bloodhoof's eyes are in a hazy and cloudy state at this time, because the remnant soul of Bloodhoof has not been stimulated.

When Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, the expression in the bloodhoof's eyes suddenly recovered, and a fierce and wild aura suddenly swept out.


Bloodhoof let out a low growl, and the whole mountain shook slightly.

Xiao Yu resisted and stood still, the golden coffin was really extraordinary, this was a terrifying existence that reached the power of good fortune!

Xiao Yu guessed that if Bloodhoof really exploded with all its strength, this mountain would definitely be razed to the ground.

"Youth, are you in trouble?" Xue Xuehuo's low voice sounded.

The bloodhoof consciousness has been controlled by Xiao Yu, and he has surrendered to Xiao Yu. It can be said that the bloodhoof consciousness is connected with Xiao Yu's consciousness.

As soon as the blood hoof consciousness recovered, his gaze fell on the big yellow dog on the ground.

But when Bloodhoof looked at it like this, his eyes burst out with **** light.

Rhubarb had bright eyes looking up at the ten-meter-high Chief Bull Head.

At this moment, a ray of sky blue light lingered on Rhubarb's body.

Immediately afterwards, Rhubarb's body gradually became strong and huge, nearly three meters long.

All the yellow hair turned into a sky blue color, especially its limbs, becoming more powerful.

As he watched the dog gradually evolve into a fierce and mighty wolf, a respectful and wild aura immediately permeated.

Xiao Yu held his breath. This is the third time he has seen Rhubarb in real life!

The first time was when Rhubarb learned of the Asura **** pattern, and the second time was when Rhubarb turned into a real body and carried Xiao Yu to participate in the assessment of the Seven Sects, and urged his strength. The third time is naturally now.

Suddenly, Bloodhoof trembled all over, and the ferocious aura disappeared, followed by a deep respect. He knelt on the ground with one foot and his sledgehammer propped on the ground, bowing his head in a deep voice. : "Junior Bloodhoof, see Senior Clan Sirius!"

Xiao Yu held his breath, and his heart trembled——


Is this the name of the family that rhubarb belongs to? !

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