Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1756: Sirius (Part 1)

Xiao Yu was very curious about the life experience of Rhubarb.

At the beginning, he didn't know where the rhubarb came from, but slowly, he learned that rhubarb must come from a higher plane, and it was related to his family.

Although Rhubarb didn't say anything, Xiao Yu knew that the biggest possibility for Rhubarb to come here was to help himself.

And now, from the mouth of Bloodhoof, Xiao Yu also knew the clan that the original rhubarb belonged to, the name was the Sirius clan!

As for the relationship between rhubarb and Tianhuang Shenniu, he already knew that.

Rhubarb had already said that when he first taught him the bullying body.

As Bloodhoof also said, their Heavenly Desolate Cattle clan is in contact with Xiao Yu’s Asura clan. If this is the case, then the Asura clan, the Desolate Cattle clan, and the Heavenly Wolf clan where Rhubarb is located, might be the same In one plane.

It's just that he is even more curious, what kind of situation is in the big world?

The world of Nine Heavens is so big, what kind of existence does Rhubarb and their Sirius family, and the God of Heavenly Bull family, exist?

"I didn't expect that here, I can also see the people of the Tianhuang God Niu clan. If I didn't guess wrong, you should have been dead for tens of thousands of years, right?" Da Huang opened his mouth slightly.

"Yes, senior."

Bloodhoof stood up, his huge body made him look mighty, like a hill.

Although Rhubarb does not know what happened to the blood hoof, it can be seen that the blood hoof has died for tens of thousands of years. It is conceivable that the cultivation of rhubarb is very extraordinary.

Then Da Huang looked at Xiao Yu, and to be honest, it was a bit unaccustomed to be stared at by such an imposing wolf.

Obviously, Rhubarb is wondering why the blood hoof is here.

Then Xiao Yu told Bloodhoof and what he said about the ancient continent, and then he retelled it to Rhubarb.

Rhubarb listened, sighed, and said: "So, it's no wonder that I sensed that you are just a ray of remnant soul, and your physical injury is so severe that you have so much strength left."

Such a little... power?

Xiao Yu was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately couldn't help but gasp.

Chief Bull Head, the ancient behemoth, was originally because the mighty one split the higher plane of the ancient continent. The powerful impact caused the ancient behemoth to be seriously injured, and then the bloodhoof would split with the plane. Buried to the bottom of this plane.

The power mentioned in the rhubarb's mouth is almost at the top in the world of Zongmen!

You know, the golden coffin in the Western Region of the Tomb is a state that transcends three days in the legend, that is, it is comparable to the power state of the good fortune state!

At the thought of this, Xiao Yu couldn't help but shake his heart again.

What terrifying situation is this higher plane so powerful?

What a terrifying existence are these sacred cows and Sirius clan?

He can't imagine.

Of course, it was fortunate that he had a bottom in his heart, and the rhubarb had instilled the idea of ​​the supremacy of the strong and the world of nine days, otherwise Xiao Yu would have been stunned at this time.

The bloodhoof consciousness is just a remnant soul, and his memory has been lost a lot, and he can still communicate with the consciousness at this moment, to a large extent because he was protected by Xiao Yu's soul.

"Senior, I don't know what my family is like now."

Because it was a remnant soul, it could be said that the blood hoof eyes didn't fluctuate too much, because he only surrendered to Xiao Yu.

But just now, Xiao Yu clearly felt the strong fluctuations in the blood hoof soul consciousness. Although it was short-lived, it was enough to make Xiao Yu sigh.

Although Bloodhoof has been dead for thousands of years, but in any case, Bloodhoof is also a member of the Heavenly Desolate God Bull clan, and it is normal to care about members of their own family.

The crows also have the feeling of feeding back, not to mention the blood flowing through them, or the blood of the sacred cow family?

Even in this state of remnant soul, Bloodhoof is still tied to his race.

But Rhubarb sighed and said, "Times change and the world changes. As you know, the world of Nine Heavens is changing all the time, let alone ten thousand years?"

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