Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1757: Sirius (Part 2)

As soon as these words came out, the blood hoof soul fluctuated even more severely.

"Senior, what do you mean by this, is it my clan..."

Rhubarb shook his head, a kind of arrogance spread out, and said: "We monster races, standing in the sect world for so long, how can we perish so easily, you can rest assured, just..."

Then Da Huang Yufeng turned, his eyes seemed cold and heavy, and said: "It's just that there are some things that I can't control."

Bloodhoof suddenly looked at Xiao Yu, and then asked Rhubarb: "Senior, it seems that your Sirius clan is also in trouble."

Xiao Yu, who was next to him, suddenly moved in his heart and said in a few words. Although he didn't hear much, he obviously felt the emotional change in the rhubarb tone.

"Is the Rhubarb family in trouble? Or is there something wrong with their higher plane? Otherwise, how could they come to the lower plane to assist themselves?"

There were many questions in Xiao Yu's mind, but as usual, Xiao Yu didn't ask, just took it down in his heart.

Rhubarb obviously didn't reveal much.

For Rhubarb, although Bloodhoof is a member of the demon clan he knows, it has been tens of thousands of years, and everything has changed.

And even if you tell the story yourself, so what?

In addition to making myself more annoying, it was nothing more than a worry that increased blood hoof.

From a certain perspective, Bloodhoof is already a dead person. Instead of worrying about increasing bloodhoof, it is better to let Bloodhoof continue its current state.

Perhaps it was because of a familiar atmosphere and a familiar race in a foreign country that made the rhubarb touch.

"Boy, I have something to tell him." Da Huang looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu nodded, he left under the cliff and returned to his residence.

For Yu Xiaoyu, he knew that Rhubarb's starting point and original intention were good. Since there are some things that cannot be heard by himself, then it must be related to him, so he still won't bother.

Then Rhubarb regained his appearance as a big yellow dog and indifferently said: "Since you have surrendered to this kid, I hope you will help him."

Bloodhoof groaned for a long while, and slowly said: "Senior, this kid is from the Asura clan, why are the Asura clan people here?"

If Xiao Yu would be surprised.

Because of what Bloodhoof said, he slept for thousands of years and lost a lot of memory.

But what Xiao Yu didn't know was that through the nurturing and protection of Xiao Yu's soul, the memory of Bloodhoof had been restored.

Rhubarb's mouth moved, and when the blood hoof listened, the copper bell-like eyes suddenly trembled, and the blood evil spirit suddenly vibrated.

"How could this be... the Shura clan..."

Rhubarb sighed and said: "That's why I came here to protect him and guide him as much as I can. His identity cannot be known by those people, otherwise this plane will become dust when it is turned over."

Then Rhubarb's eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked up at Bloodhoof.

Although Rhubarb is small in size, it cannot be denied. The nobleness and dignity in the bones emanating from its body is not possessed by any strong person in the sect world.

"Because of the law and plane restrictions, my mana is limited. I can help this kid very limited, but you are different. I want you to be within your abilities. Even if you die in battle, you must protect this kid. I know exactly what this kid stands for. Without him, your sacred cow and our Sirius clan would disappear from the world of nine days!"

Bloodhoof's eyes flashed an extremely scarlet fierce color once again, and a wild atmosphere suddenly enveloped the entire mountain.

For Bloodhoof, he knew exactly what the rhubarb said.

A deep and muffled thunderous voice came out--

"Senior don't worry, bloodhoof will protect him well, even if the jade is burned, I will guarantee the safety of Luo's son!"


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