Shura God Emperor

Chapter 176: Second kill!

Xiao Yu said with a calm expression: "Red scale armor with a **** pattern, fourth-rank human level, it is indeed very powerful, I have to admit that even the power of my physical body can't help you."

The mighty Wei Rongxin laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! Are you even ready to surrender? But it's a pity, whether you admit defeat or not, there is only one result for you, and that is death!"

The red light flickered, and Wei Rongxin's armor became more sparkling, shining strangely.

A metal sonorous aura permeated. Everyone knew that Wei Rongxin's strength seemed to have risen to another level. If that was the case, Xiao Yu was even more unlikely to be his opponent.

Who knows, Xiao Yu smiled faintly, and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my physical strength can't break your defenses, not because of the power of your armor gods, but because my physical skills are too low. , So please don’t overestimate your own strength."

"Is that right?" Wei Rongxin wasn't angry at all. He actually sipped a joke in his eyes, and said, "Since you say this, then what hole cards do you have, even if you release it, I want to see, you What on earth is there to talk about here, but what I have to tell you is that you have no chance, and for the last time, I will kill you."

"Your chance is likely to kill yourself this time, you have to think clearly." Xiao Yu stared at Wei Rongxin and said.


Wei Rongxin laughed loudly again.

"Xiao Yu, I find that you are really getting more and more interesting. You are arrogant and you are not afraid of death. I admire you, but your arrogance has made you lose your last chance to survive, die!"

Wei Rongxin was also proud. He was insulted by Xiao Yu over and over again. He didn't want to bear it anymore. He roared and turned into a red light to kill Xiao Yu.

"Red Linguang Fist!"

With a punch, the red light suddenly released, covering a radius of 100 meters.

This punch contains an extremely powerful power attribute in it, full of a sonorous and hard aura.

Xiao Yu also moved. He could only see his fists clenched. At this moment, a breath of incomparable Xiao Sha suddenly permeated.

"This breath..."

People hundreds of meters away are all moved. This breath is so familiar. Isn't it the mood breath that was emitted on the stone tablet just now?

That terrible killing intent permeated, and it instantly made people feel a kind of killing intent.


Xiao Yu's eyes were dazzling, and his punch was blasted. The moment his punch was blasted, it turned into an afterimage. Then, people felt that something incredible had happened. This afterimage had disappeared!


Wei Rongxin's expression changed.

A kind of rapid approaching crisis covered him like lightning, and the killing intent seemed to be close at hand.

The next moment, with a "boom", his red-scale light fist collided with an invisible and powerful killing intent, and then his fist was directly broken.

However, Wei Rongxin made a scream, his entire arm bone was almost broken, and his entire body retreated several meters.

Everyone felt incredible in this scene, and no one wanted to believe that this was true. All those royal children were shocked.

"This is the boxing style on the stone tablet?"

"Oh my God, Xiao Yu only understood it for less than ten seconds, right? He actually understood the mystery?"

"This... is this guy a monster?"

During their shock, Xiao Yu's cold voice without emotional fluctuations sounded again.

"Second kill!"

Xiao Yu threw out two punches again like lightning, two shocking fist styles that turned into an invisible killing intent and enveloped them again.

Wei Rongxin suddenly panicked, he already felt a smell of death.

"No! He can't break my defense! I won't lose!"

He roared and his arms shook. The power of his **** pattern was all concentrated on his armor and armor, and he tried to resist Xiao Yu's defense.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful the fist style Xiao Yu comprehend on this stone tablet, it is absolutely impossible to break his defense.

He was just doing desperate resistance!


The two punches, almost simultaneously, fell on Wei Rongxin's red-scaled armor.

Only two powerful sounds were heard, and Wei Rongxin was shaken back several meters.

But looking at his body armor, there were no scars at all, it was still shining.

Wei Rongxin looked at his armor, and suddenly laughed grinning wildly: "Hahaha! Xiao Yu, I said, it's impossible for you to break my defenses, look..."

"Really?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

What else Wei Rongxin wanted to say, suddenly he felt that his body suddenly turned into a paste, and a mouthful of blood came out.

His face turned pale for an instant, and he muttered, ""


Wei Rongxin's pupils dilated, and his figure collapsed suddenly and died!

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