Shura God Emperor

Chapter 177: The Queen's Meaning

The whole venue was filled with a kind of silence, and all those royal children felt the chill on their backs.

Wei Rongxin died unexpectedly, his red scale armor **** pattern was not broken, but he unexpectedly died! ?

What is going on here?

They simply couldn't figure out that the red scale armor, such an amazing defensive power of the gods, could be broken!

There was only one person, Tang Ling'er, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly.

"Xiao Yu, you really surprised me, what chance did you encounter..."

How did they know that Xiao Yu was so talented that the moment he touched the stone tablet, Xiao Yu gained the most basic comprehension essence of Seven Kill Quan.

Although Xiao Yu hadn't really realized it yet, the Qi Sha Quan was a Green Grade boxing technique. The overbearing punch contained the killing intent, which directly affected the human body.

Therefore, although the defense of the red scale armor was powerful, Xiao Yu used a fist with a killing intent and penetrated in, causing fatal damage to Wei Rongxin's internal organs.

"Lao Niu is really good. The seven kills are so powerful. I realized that I was in the entry stage. But even the second kill has allowed me to fight against the confluence of Qi. If I realize the three kills, even four Kill?"

Xiao Yu's eyes fell on the stone tablet, then walked up, and the fist marks were also printed on it.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was not until half an hour passed before Xiao Yu woke up from it.

His eyes showed a kind of clarification and thoroughness.

"What a terrible seven-kill fist! It's just the secret formula and mental method, I will step up time to practice when I go back!"

For half an hour, the people outside were stunned.

Half an hour! It was exactly the same as Tang Linger!

Tang Linger's expression was covered with a mysterious light...

Everyone's enlightenment is over, the boxing stele forest is also over, and everyone is sent out.


Inside the hall, the whole hall was filled with a very cold atmosphere.

The queen didn't say a word, the Xiao Mingzi next to her was trembling, even more afraid to speak.

"Xiao Yu, this palace has underestimated you again, ha ha, you really did not disappoint this palace!"

Xiao Mingzi didn't understand whether the queen was angry or admired Xiao Yu's words, but the only thing he could feel was that the queen's killing intent at this time was very huge.

"Niang, I don't know what to do with a minion?" Xiao Mingzi asked bitterly.

As a slave, just because of sharing and serving the master, the talent and strength shown by Xiao Yu now exceeds their expectations. It seems that the queen empress is about to start killing, right?

Because before, it was all because of fear that there would be rumors in the capital, or they were all secretly touching Xiao Yu, but this method obviously failed.

Then the queen would definitely not use those methods.

"Xiao Mingzi, has there been floods in counties and counties recently?"

Xiao Mingzi immediately said: "Qi Niang Niang, yes, just last week, it is said that the sea monster is making trouble. Someone in our Tianfu Gate has heard from the county and county that it is a second-level monster. The minion has been sent. People went to clean up."

"Oh? How strong is this sea monster, what sea monster is it?"

Xiao Mingzi said: "The strength is equivalent to the peak of the Qi Convergence Realm. It is a second-level monster called the Black Mingjiao. Our people returned and reported that this monster is likely to break through to the third-level level, so the minion sent it. A doorman from the early stage of the spirit realm passed by."

After all, the Chenbei Dynasty was huge, and there were not all cultivators in all places.

Just like this county, it was a relatively poor and remote county in the Chenbei Dynasty. Almost ordinary people lived here, so the flood disaster was very fatal.

It won't work if you don't govern.

"Very well, you give an order for this palace to send Xiao Wencheng to manage this flood."

"Xiao Wencheng? Even if he is a civil servant, even if he uses the power of the people, he will not be able to cure the flood within a month or two, and there are monsters in the flood. This..."

Suddenly, Xiao Mingzi's eyes lit up and said, "The slave understands what Niang Niang meant. It turns out that Niang Niang is a drunkard, not drinking."

Xiao Mingzi immediately took the name to do the work, but the queen immediately named Xiao Mingzi.

"and many more."

"What else do you have to order?"

"It should be stated in the imperial edict that if the task is not completed, it will be used against Xiao Wencheng's post and exile the barren land!"


Xiao Mingzi left, the queen smiled a bit strangely, and said to herself: "Xiao Yu, now my palace is not in a hurry to kill you. There are so many ways to treat you, aren't you very good? Then my palace is just fine. Play with you!"


After the Fist Stele Forest disappeared, Xiao Yu Zheng was about to go back, when suddenly a green figure shot over, and it was the little dragon.

As soon as Xiaolong came back, he immediately hit a gap. Xiao Yu pinched his nose and said, "It smells so bad, have you eaten a lot of monsters again?"

Xiaolong rubbed Xiao Yu's face with satisfaction, and then disappeared.

"This guy."

Xiao Yu shook his head helplessly and said, "Ling'er, let's go back."

"Xiao Yu."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Tang Linger didn't move and seemed to have something to say, but after thinking about it, she smiled and said, "It's nothing, you are so amazing today! You have become my idol."

"Don't praise me, you have also been enlightened for half an hour, you must also have a great opportunity, haha, let's go back."

Tang Ling'er's eyes flickered when he mentioned the words "great chance". Seeing Xiao Yu walking forward first, she shook her head slightly and followed.

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