Shura God Emperor

Chapter 178: Imperial decree

After returning home, Xiao Yu immediately found rhubarb.

"Rhubarb, what you said is right, this seven kills punch is so powerful!" Xiao Yu said excitedly.

Rhubarb raised his head and said, "Oh? It's called Seven Kill Fist. The attack power of this fist technique is not bad. If you follow the cultivation path, the attack power should be multiplied geometrically.

"Yes, exactly!"

He only comprehended for a short ten seconds, but he had already felt the shock brought to him by the first two kills of the seven kills.

"But you have to use this fist with caution, because if you don't control it well, you might even be bitten by yourself," said Rhubarb.

Xiao Yu marveled at Rhubarb's insight, and he felt that way and knew so much.

Indeed, Xiao Yu's current cultivation base used the second kill of the Qisha Quan, that kind of amazing killing intent was almost beyond his control.

This killing intent is like a runaway horse, and it is easy to get hurt.

"It seems that my understanding of Qisha Quan is still too shallow. If my understanding is high enough, then there is no possibility of backlash."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu entered the second time space.

He was not anxious to practice the third kill, but to consolidate the first two kills.

After one night outside, Xiao Yu woke up from meditation.

"The first two kills are enough for me to deal with the Great Consummation of the Qi Hui Realm."

Xiao Yu muttered to himself with piercing eyes.

Although it was one night outside, it was already ten nights in Second World Space.

Xiao Yu suddenly discovered that it seemed that his cultivation level would not be long before he could break through the later stage of the Qi Converging Realm.

And his current state, compared to yesterday when he was in the Forest of Boxing Tablets, his combat effectiveness can be increased by 30%!

This is the benefits of consolidating realm and spiritual skills.

Cultivation is not the best way to hit the next realm blindly. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

"Sister Lin should be very worried about me. Go to Baoxuan Pavilion first."

Xiao Yu knew that when she entered the Forest of Boxing Steles, Pei Lin must be very worried.

However, the Fist Stele Forest was an invitation from the Queen's decree and had to go, and the Fist Stele Forest was the power of the royal family, and Baoxuan Pavilion could not be entered.

Now the queen had made it clear that she wanted to kill herself, so Xiao Yu had to go and discuss countermeasures with Pei Lin.

When he came to the lobby, Xiao Yu saw Xiao Wencheng pacing back and forth in some anxiety.

"Father, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Yu, you came just right, and I heard that the queen empress is going to make the imperial decree." Xiao Wencheng said.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and asked, "It's only the imperial decree, what should I worry about?"

Xiao Wencheng smiled bitterly and was about to say something. At this time, outside the lobby door, he happened to see a group of people coming to the Xiao family's house. It was a ruddy-faced father-in-law who was about 30 years old and led the team. The guard with a knife.

"The imperial decree is here! Xiao Wencheng takes the decree!" Xiao Mingzi said this sissy voice.

Since it is an imperial edict, Xiao Yu and Xiao Wencheng must also kneel on the ground to receive the edict.

"Feng Tian undertakes transportation, and the queen summons an appointment. There are floods in the county and counties, and a hundred names fail to live. Xiao Qing's family is dispatched to treat the flood. Because of the floods, the poor livelihoods and the lives are disgraced. Frontier, set off tomorrow, this is the place!"

"The minister leads the decree."

Xiao Wencheng didn't dare to fail and accepted the imperial edict.

But this so-called imperial decree, to Xiao Yu's ear, was completely different.

Isn't this just knocking the mountain out?

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