Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1760: Five months of retreat (part 2)

After three days and three nights, Tianyi is in the world of swordsmanship.

I saw that on the translucent sword aura, many places had been damaged, and there were still many rows.

Look at the young man in front of Jianqi, his clothes are all tattered and unkempt, just like a beggar.

"Damn, really stubborn!"

The time of three days and three nights is not the time in the second world space, but the time outside.

Yes, with Xiao Yu's talent and strength, if he were known by the sword repairman of the whole sect world, he would definitely be surprised.

Three days and three nights!

The opening time of the Jianbei Mountain enchantment is only one day, how can this be used?

"Senior Fang, ah Senior Fang, isn't your sword technique on Jianbei Mountain this day a display?"

Xiao Yu was confident in his talents. With his own state, he hadn't tame the sword soul for three days and three nights. It was enough to think about it. If it were an outsider, wouldn't it be even more impossible?

The sword soul trembled all over, followed by a burst of sword energy, and the cracks on its body were constantly repairing.

"Don't think about it! One sword will do you!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yu gritted his teeth with hatred.

In the past three days, he has been exhausted by the torture of this sword aura, and now he can't "destroy" the sword soul to the most damaged state. How could he allow the sword soul to be renewed again? Cohesion?

"Xing Taoyue!"

Xiao Yu shouted, the sky-blue sword light flashed on his Seven-Star Sword, and then the whole world of Sword Soul gleamed...


Soon, a month has passed.

Under the cliff of a certain mountain in Xiaoyaomen.

"The sky is the month!"

Xiao Yu stabbed out with a sword, and that sword pierced through the sky, as if shooting from the horizon, containing the temperament that could cut mountains and rivers, and fell on the cliff.


With one sword cut, the entire cliff was suddenly cut down. Xiao Yu immediately retreated 100 meters, and the tens of meters high mountain was cut off and fell below the peak.

"It's done!"

Xiao Yu was overjoyed, the first style of Tianyi swordsmanship, the sky is the same month!

Of course, the sword just now was not the strongest power of the moon in the sky. Xiao Yu just used the sword style. If it was really powerful, the sword just now would probably break a whole mountain.

"Now even if I encounter the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I am not afraid." Xiao Yu felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Breaking through three levels in a row and going to Xuanjian Pavilion with the strength of the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm was an adventure for Xiao Yu.

Of course, he was also holding the jade slip at the time, which could save his life, and he didn't know that he could block the offensive at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

That is, with the help of Tianyi swordsmanship, he has this ability.

After all, it is completely different from the leapfrog battle from the earth spirit realm to the heaven spirit realm, and the leapfrog battle from the human spirit realm to the earth spirit realm.

And now, with the consolidation of the peak realm of his Earth Spirit Realm, and the great achievement of the first form of the Heavenly One Sword Technique, he is finally not afraid of the powerhouse of the Three Heaven Realm.

"This strength is not enough. Four months may be able to help me break through to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. As long as I reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm, I will be able to fight against the powerful in the Good Fortune Realm, and my chances of survival in the Southern Cloud Region will be greatly increased." Xiao Yu pondered.

He knew the horror of the good fortune realm. At that time, Yuan Shoubai was in a state of severe loss of strength, but the aura of heaven and earth, and the oppression of heaven and earth, were not comparable to the three-day realm.

Although facing the injured Yuanshoubai Xiao Yu at the time, he seemed calm and graceful, because he had Tianyi swordsmanship in his hands at that time.

But now that it reverberates, the pressure and level of the soul and realm are vivid.

"There is no way, because I have swallowed the bone pill, I can no longer swallow the fifth-grade spirit pill, I can only rely on myself to achieve the heavenly spirit realm."

After making up his mind, Xiao Yu returned to his residence and continued his retreat.


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