Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1761: Heavenly Master of the Spirit Realm Array!

The four months seemed to pass quickly, but from the perspective of the second world space ten times the speed of the outside world, Xiao Yu spent forty months.

During these forty months, Xiao Yu's strength improvement was weak, because he only broke through to the strength of the Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng.

But this kind of strength was enough to make Xiao Yu feel excited.

At this time, Xiao Yu's soul ocean.

Inside Lin Gun, where the chaotic energy had already dissipated, a closer look revealed that compared to returning from the Purple Spirit Sect, the inside of his soul became clearer.

The improvement of the soul realm is the continuous development of the soul, making the soul a more pure state.

A clear soul means that the power of the soul becomes purer and stronger.

Until the chaotic air of the entire soul ocean dissipated and became a thorough state.

This is the same as the state in which the world of Nine Heavens was shrouded in chaos before the opening of heaven and earth.

It seems that only a small part of the chaotic energy has been dissipated, but in fact, no one is more ecstatic than Xiao Yu.

"It's done!"

Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and at this moment, within the second time and space, the power of the invisible soul was diffused, and immediately beside Xiao Yu, an identical turquoise figure of a young man sitting cross-legged was condensed.

And this young figure is exactly the same as Xiao Yu!

Amazingly, it is the clone of wood!

But if you look carefully, you can find that the soul aura fluctuations on this Muzhi clone are exactly the same as Xiao Yu's state of fully releasing his soul!

Yes, Xiao Yu finally broke through the soul realm trapped in the soul realm for a long time.

"Life Realm!"

The living spirit realm, in the case of an alchemist, is the alchemist celestial master; in the case of an alchemist, it is the alchemist celestial master.

For the Array Master, it is the Array Master!

Yes, Xiao Yu has reached the realm of the Array Master.

In other words, Mu Zhi's clone possesses 100% of Xiao Yu's soul strength!

The excitement on Xiao Yu's face, from a certain perspective, the 100% soul power of the wood clone is not Xiao Yu's comprehensive strength, but just the power of the celestial master of formation.

Because this wood clone cannot use Xiao Yu's physical power, nor can it activate the **** pattern, formation, or even all skills, because this is only a clone of soul power.

However, to a certain extent, Xiao Yu is equivalent to one hundred percent more himself!

Of course, at this time, Xiao Yu's soul was once again cloudy.

Of course, because the Mu Zhi clone is 100% of Xiao Yu's soul realm strength, Xiao Yu must take the entire soul ocean to condense.

In other words, Xiao Yu's body is now completely unable to provoke a soul formation attack.

However, don't forget that the wood clone is only the soul realm where the power of the soul condenses into the body, and it gives 100% of the soul power.

And Xiao Yu's soul power can be restored!

Although the power of the soul was emptied, Xiao Yu's face showed some paleness and exhaustion, but he was excited at this time.

Heavenly Master of Formation! That is an existence comparable to the realm of good fortune!

In other words, in a sense, Xiao Yu is also a "good fortune state"!

Of course, even though Xiao Yu could not be said to have been reborn in these four months, it was not only a realm of strength, but also a breakthrough in the realm of soul, as well as other skills.

After all, Xiao Yu was not in vain for forty months.

On this day, Xiao Yu finally left the customs.

It has only been more than a year and less than two years since Xiao Yu came to the sect world, and this day also happened to be Xiao Yu's nineteenth birthday.

After Xiao Yu left the customs, without telling anyone, he greeted Rhubarb, and then left the mountain gate and set off toward the southern cloud region.

Xiao Yu was in a good mood. Not long after he went down the mountain, he passed by the forest. Suddenly, a beautiful image was printed in Xiao Yu's eyes...

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