Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1768: Luo Yi (Part 1)

Speaking of Gu Na, Xiao Yu thought of the fact that Gu Na dedicated herself to herself in order to fulfill her promise, and thus gave the second piece of Burning Parchment a map of whereabouts. Xiao Yu felt a little sorry for Gu Na.

Thinking of what happened to the dancing flames, Xiao Yu's face turned red.

No matter how mature his temperament is, he is still only a teenager, and that is his first time.

Although Gu Na explained later that the fusion of the two also brought great benefits to Gu Na, Xiao Yu vaguely felt that he still had the advantage.

He wanted to have a chance to compensate Guna in the future, but Guna and her tribe had all moved away, and he didn't know when they would see him again.

His thoughts returned to the Fire Spirit Mountain in the Southern Clouds.

Since it has something to do with Burning Fire, it is natural to have the power of the fire attribute and the tribe of Guna, which is quite reasonable.

Of course, Xiao Yu's attention was more on the monster that lived on the Huo Ling Mountain that Zhang Shengxiang and himself said.

At that time, Xiao Yu thought of the guard of fire in the sand area.

"If they really use this monster to come to the world of the Seven Sects to fight, then it makes sense."

Xiao Yu thought this way in his heart.

The land of the mountain gate where the seven sects are located is sweet glutinous rice noodles. No second-rate force does not want to replace it. Otherwise, why would the sect’s replacement meeting become their grand event?

As long as it is a powerful second-rate force, they want to participate in it.

For example, this is the curse school of Southern Cloud Region.

Moreover, Xiao Yu knew that the Southern Cloud Region in the southeast land was located in a continuous mountainous area. The ordinary people living in the Southern Cloud Region were still relatively backward. He wanted to go out and benefit more people and replace Qizongmen. Is it the best way?

Of course, thinking of this, Xiao Yu also shook his head slightly.

The seven sects are deeply rooted, the tree is deep, and the thousand-year sect is so easy to replace it.

Putting this thought aside, the two went on their way.

About noon the next day, the two also arrived at a place thousands of miles away from the southern cloud region, and they would probably be able to arrive in a little while.

At this time, Xiao Yu also discovered that there were many more figures on the road.

These people are mainly in dark striped robes, their skin is a wheatish color, and they are tall and have a heavier breath.

"Those are your people in the Southern Cloud Region, right?" Xiao Yu asked.

Zhang Shengxiang nodded and said, "Yes, these are the people who have gone out to practice. At this time of the year they will return to participate in the worship of the holy mountain."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly. He saw that basically one or two people came back like this. The closer to the Southern Cloud Region, the more and more people, and Xiao Yu probably forgot about it on the road alone. There were hundreds of people in total. , This is already a force.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded--

"Zhang Shengxiang, I didn't expect to see you here."

A whole group of seven or eight people swept over from the side.

This group of people is Fukagawa's black robes, headed by young people with dark eyes.

When this young man came over, Xiao Yu frowned as if he was touched by something.

Zhang Shengxiang didn't feel much joy when he saw these people. He greeted them like ordinary friends and said, "Luo Yi, you guys are coming back so early."

Luo Yi's eyes also noticed Xiao Yu who was next to Zhang Shengxiang, his eyes flashed with surprise, and his eyes flashed.

The faces of several other people were also slightly cold.

"Zhang Shengxiang, this little brother next to you is probably not ours from the Southern Cloud Region, right?" Luo Yi's face was slightly cold.

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