Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1769: Luo Yi (Part 2)

Zhang Shengxiang didn't seem to be afraid, but said indifferently: "He is indeed not from our Southern Cloud Region, but he was invited by Meng Hufa."

"Meng Hufa invited!?"

The faces of several people behind Luo Yi were moved, while Luo Yi's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Really?" Luo Yi frowned.

"Of course, how else would I have the courage." Zhang Shengxiang said.

He didn't seem to notice a change in Luo Yi's attitude.

After all, for him, the people in the Southern Cloud Region went out to be their own people, and they should be united, and they have no grievances.

A man next to Luo Yi couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu more.

Xiao Yu's clothes were naturally different from them. He was luxurious and wrinkle-free, and his temperament was extraordinary, and he had a magnificent head. In their eyes, it was obvious that he was not a disciple of an ordinary sect.

Such a temperament made Luo Yi feel dangerous, but he did not dare to be careless.

Zhang Shengxiang glanced at Luo Yi and asked strangely: "Why is it only you? Where is Luo Xi?"

Luo Yi said indifferently: "My eldest brother wants to look at the sect and has no time to take care of it. Only a few of us can come back."

Zhang Shengxiang didn't ask too much, but the man next to Luo Yi suddenly exclaimed and said, "I remember, are Xiao Yu!"


After Luo Yi and the others listened, their expressions were suddenly moved, especially Luo Yi, his eyes flashed with incomparably bright light, and the deep aura on his body suddenly broke out.

This scene immediately caused the people in the Southern Cloud Region who had returned to stop and look here in surprise.

"Isn't that Luo Yi? What happened to him?"

"Huh? That kid doesn't seem to be from our Southern Cloud Region! Luo Yi seems to be trying to do something with him?"

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Shengxiang's face changed slightly, but Xiao Yu's expression remained calm.

The few people behind Luo Yi and the others were already shocked and suffocated.

They were active in places outside the Southern Cloud Region, and of course they had heard of everything Xiao Yu did.

This person is a super genius who is known as Xiaoyaomen's once-in-a-hundred-year encounter, and has even been compared with Zhao Xin and Jiang Tianyu!

How could he come to our southern cloud region! ?

Does he have any purpose?

They thought that every time this young man went to a place, he would definitely set off a **** storm.

It is like Bi Lingyu, Zhongyangyu, Zi Lingzong, and Xuanjian Pavilion.

These places were all caused by him, causing heavy losses.

Therefore, they will never simply think that the purpose here is pure.

"Luo Yi! What are you doing! I said this was the person Meng Hufa invited! You can go back and ask Meng Hufa if you don't believe it!" Zhang Shengxiang shouted.

Xiao Yu's face was still so calm and calm, but the more it was, the more it made Luo Yi feel that Luo Yi could not be underestimated.

For Xiao Yu, Luo Yi was nothing at all in his eyes.

The strength of a Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

After a long while, Luo Yi also regained his momentum.

Of course he knew the extraordinaryness of this young man, but since Meng Hufa invited him, he had nothing to say.

But at this time, the look he looked at Xiao Yu was cold and jealous.

Half a year ago, Meng Linzhi had already started collecting tributes from them. Of course, the three elders were dispatched. It was another elder who came to them. So he didn't know what Meng Linzhi had agreed with the boy, so he couldn't act recklessly for the time being.

"let's go!"

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