Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1788: Batu

"Are you suspecting the hands and feet of the priest?" Xiao Yu asked.

Wu Hufa's face was heavy, and said, "In our southern cloud region, I can't think of anyone who can possess such techniques except for priests."

"Is this priest very powerful? What is his strength?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

From Zhang Shengxiang, he heard about this priest from the Southern Cloud Region.

When I was at the Chenbei Dynasty Festival Convention, of course there were priests present.

It can also be said that the power of priests is great.

The so-called priest is a person who presides over the pole in order to worship the gods he believes in, and acts as an auxiliary priest or chief priest on the sacrificial platform.

This is the messenger that contacts the gods, and naturally has a kind of sacredness.

In addition, this priest is the initiator of the pro-sect, so it is naturally the most suspicious.

But what makes Xiao Yu feel strange is, why did you arrest someone but not kill him?

And where are people stored?

Speaking of the priest, Wu Hufa took a deep breath and said: "The priest is admired by thousands of people. He is known as the messenger of the God of Fire Spirit. However, for so many years, the priest has no strength."

Xiao Yu frowned, "No strength? What do you mean?"

According to the tradition of the Southern Cloud Region, not everyone is qualified to serve as a priest.

The position of the priest is a system of inheritance. Only when the previous priest dies will he be selected from the Southern Cloud Region, and there is only one.

Because they are communicating with the "God of Fire Spirit" and presiding over the ceremonial ceremony, this kind of ability and this position are sacred and inviolable in their eyes. Therefore, although the priest has no strength, it is affected by the whole Nanyun The respect of the people of the domain.

At the same time, the reason why the selected priest is not strong is also because it prevents the power competition with the suzerain of the spell.

The Conjuration School itself is to maintain the Southern Cloud Region, and the priests should do the work of the sacrificial meeting, and with its majesty and status, it is enough to be admired by thousands of people.

But just a few years ago, the last priest sat down. After the new priest took office, although the old and new were the same as before, there was nothing wrong, but it was because the new priest inherited the previous one. One plan of the priest during the last few years of his tenure was--

Expansion of territory and war with foreigners.

Under the circumstances of the past dynasties, the priest shouldn't have participated in the development of the Southern Cloud Region, everything was determined by the conjuration school.

But it has won the support of many people, almost in a one-sided manner.

Qiao Wei finally spoke and said solemnly: "Although ordinary priests take office, they are respected, but they cannot be recognized so quickly. Now the succeeding priest is named Batu, and the former priest is his father. ."

"Batu’s father’s accumulated reputation, coupled with his bold guesses, acted more decisively than his father’s. For a while, the entire Southern Cloud Region almost responded, and the expansion plan was recognized by everyone, and almost the entire Southern Cloud Region was It's toward him."

Wu Hufa said: "This Batu, at a young age, has inherited the style of the past few years as a priest. It takes decades for ordinary priests to accumulate the faith of their people. But this Pakistan The picture is not simple. In just three years, through his father's reputation and his abilities, he forced the entire Southern Cloud Region to obey him. That is to say, three years after he took office, the lord also disappeared."

Qiao Wei said angrily: "Daddy's disappearance is definitely related to this Batu!"

Xiao Yu also felt that things were very strange. He asked: "In your words, this person named Batu has accumulated a reputation equivalent to decades of past priests and the faith of all people in just three years. How did he do it?"

In Xiao Yu's view, this Batu must be very young.

And if a person wants to have status and fame, in the world of Nine Heavens, he must rely on the strength of his fists to be convincing.

However, the priests of the past generations have not cultivated, so how did this priest named Batu manage to convince the crowd?

However, Qiao Wei and Wu Wu's answers made Xiao Yu even more surprised.

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