Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1789: The strangeness of the fire spirit beast

"In fact, we don't know." Wu Hufa shook his head.

"do not know?"

Wu Hufa said: "The priest is a mysterious existence, and because it is inherited, it is selected by the priests of the past. Of course, the first successor is the blood of the priest. This inheritance ceremony is also extremely complicated. This is not only It is the inheritance of blood, but also the inheritance of faith."

"In the short span of three years, Huo Meng, Huo Yu, and many people who were baptized by the Fire Spirit Mountain were on their side. In fact, we also want to know what this is all about. But Batu is too mysterious. We have dealt with him many times, but we were all fooled and returned without success each time."

Xiao Yu could hear the helplessness and doubts of Qiao Wei and Wu Hufa.

Not only them, but Xiao Yu's heart became more and more confused.

How can a person without strength be able to convince the crowd?

Character? Is the personality attractive?

Stop joking, Xiao Yu shook his head secretly.

In the entire nine-day world, without strength, there is no right to speak at all.

But in this way, it is a contradiction.

Then, Xiao Yu moved in his heart. What he thought of seemed to be a little gentler than what he had thought before. He couldn't help saying: "I didn't look down on you. You are powerful in the Southern Cloud Region, but if you really want to expand your territory, you should aim at the Seven Sects. If you do, then even if your entire Southern Cloud Region is dispatched, it will be impossible."

Xiao Yu didn't feel too surprised when he heard them say that he was going to fight other sects, it was for this reason.

How can the status of the Seven Sects be shaken so easily?

Wu Hufa was not angry, and his eyes flickered, and said, "What you said is not bad, and because of this, the sovereign's way to govern the Southern Clouds is to fight against the world and never have any major contact with the outside world, because the sovereign I also understand that, externally, our Southern Cloud Region is only a second-rate force, unable to fight the first-rate sect at all, but..."

"Fire Spirit Beast." Xiao Yu blurted out.

Wu Hufa nodded, but Xiao Yu took a breath.

Sure enough!

He had thought before that the people of Guna in the sand area were used by the people of the ghost gate, trying to make the entire Chenbei Dynasty chaos through the guard of fire in the temple.

And the Southern Cloud Region, which has something to do with Burning Fire, is it also a similar situation?

At that time, Xiao Yu was just thinking about it, and didn't care much.

But now, I didn't expect it to be true!

Because even the group of priests, even if they are united, it is impossible to fight against the seven sects, but if they use external forces, it will be different!

And Xiao Yu knew that this fire spirit beast had something to do with the last piece of parchment!

In other words, this fire spirit beast is definitely not an ordinary monster creature!

"What is this fire spirit beast?" Xiao Yu asked.

Having said so much, this is the answer he most wants to know.

All the secrets are in this fire spirit beast!

There was a respect and look up in the eyes of Qiao Wei and Wu Hufa.

Qiao Wei said: "The Fire Spirit Beast is the guardian of our Southern Clouds. It has repeatedly rescued our Southern Clouds and the deep waters. But because of the injuries in the last war, the Fire Spirit Beast has not appeared in decades. It is only in the last ten years that the breath of the fire spirit beast has emerged. At least let us know that our patron saint is not dead."

Xiao Yu said in astonishment: "Are you trying to say that Batu is trying to control this monster beast to help them?"

"Do not!"

Wu Hufa immediately denied and solemnly said: "Although the fire spirit beast has a violent character, it will not take the initiative to attack. It has been on the sacred mountain for thousands of years. It will only appear when a crisis occurs in the southern cloud region. And the fire spirit beast is There is spirituality, even the suzerain of the past can not be able to move it."

"But in the past ten years, the fire spirit beast has made painful roars every once in a while. This kind of cry is not recorded in the history books. It is so abnormal that we worry about whether the fire spirit beast has something. Variety."

Qiao Wei's eyes were also very heavy, and said: "Yes, the fire spirit beast is the patron saint of our Southern Clouds. When it was strange, the previous priest had not yet sat down, and Dad had to go up the mountain many times to search, but he was caught by the clan. The old people and priests in the middle of the world were blocked. They said it was a blasphemy against the holy mountain and disturbed the peace of the fire spirit beast. Only the sacrificial meeting can go up the mountain. Only because the holy mountain can only be opened once a year, because it is offering sacrifices. At the conference, the priest who opened the holy mountain had this right alone."

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