Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1799: Burning Fire Spirit Mountain (Part 2)

It was Zhang Shengxiang who accompanied Xiao Yu.

This was Xiao Yu's request and called Zhang Shengxiang to his side.

After all, Xiao Yu was unfamiliar with the place where he was born. If Zhang Shengxiang was there, he could answer many questions for him.

And Zhang Shengxiang is also very grateful.

Ordinary people, it is impossible to be so close to the holy mountain, many of them? Waiting 100 meters in front of the sacrificial platform.

However, because of Xiao Yu's relationship, Zhang Shengxiang was able to sit down and watch the holy mountain up close, and to experience the opportunity of the sacrifice ceremony up close.

Although they are all people who have gone out to practice, the blood in their bodies is also flowing with the blood of the Southern Cloud Region.

In addition, many people who have been baptized by Fire Spirit Mountain have the power of Fire Spirit in their bodies, which makes them feel passionate about this hot and pure fire attribute breath, and they will also feel that it is a kind of belonging and a kind of pride. .

"Does the sacrificial meeting only begin at night?" Xiao Yu asked.

Zhang Shengxiang nodded and said: "Yes. At night, the power of the fire spirit of the holy mountain will reach its peak, and then the priest will begin to preside over the ceremonial meeting. It is also at that time that the eligible people are eligible to enter the holy together. The mountain is baptized."

After all, Zhang Shengxiang looked strange and looked at Xiao Yu with a worried look.

Yes, Xiao Yu is also qualified to enter the Holy Mountain this time.

In his opinion, how incredible it is.

The incredible does not lie in Xiao Yu's qualification to participate.

Because those who enter baptism must be under twenty years old, most of them will choose those young people to enter.

And what he found incredible was that Xiao Yu actually wanted to enter the holy mountain!

He had already told Xiao Yu earlier that Meng Linzhi must have had a purpose in inviting him to the sacrificial meeting.

And just the day before, Meng Linzhi’s people even sent someone to tell Xiao Yu to enter the holy mountain together to participate in the baptism!

And Xiao Yu also agreed!

This is a willingness to fight and a willingness to endure!

Xiao Yu looked calm and didn't mean to explain.

He had already expected this scene.

Since Meng Linzhi's purpose is for himself, and he also knows that he is here for the holy mountain, what else does he need to do?

It would be better to simply let Xiao Yu enter the holy mountain, and Xiao Yu, of course, agreed with one bite.

Soon it was evening.

The afterglow dyed the entire southern cloud area with the color of flame, making the southern cloud area bathed in a sea of ​​fire.

And even if the afterglow rays are so dazzling and shining, they seem too small before the huge flame holy mountain.

At this time, a slight flame was already burning on the entire surface of the holy mountain.

Closer, that layer of flame seems to be able to burn people into hot coals.

But the people in the entire Southern Clouds are presenting a posture of enjoyment.

For them, this is the sacred light, this is the holy fire that multiplies in the southern clouds.

Everyone was already waiting with an excited look on their faces. The longing light on their faces was just like the most devout believers. Even if they were asked to die, they were willing to die.

A hundred meters before the sacrificial platform, there are all the people, but on the left and right sides of the sacrificial platform, there are two groups of people standing.

One of them is headed by Meng Linzhi, and an old man. This old man is also one of the three protectors of the spell school, whose name is Yu Zhen.

Naturally, Yu Zhen is also in the same group as Meng Linzhi.

The only difference is that Yu Zhen, the priest, and Meng Linzhi are not a group of people. He only supports the priest's expansion plan, so he is on their side.

After all, Yu Zhen didn't know the affair between Batu and the Demon Cultivator, but Meng Linzhi was different. Meng Linzhi was Batu's confidant.

Behind them are the strong members of the clan headed by Gao Hong and Luo Yi.

This group of them can be said to occupy most of the power of the entire Southern Cloud Region.

"Wu Hufa is here!"

Suddenly a person shouted, headed by Wu Hufa, the group walked to the other side.

"Huh? Where's Miss?"

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