Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1800: Qiao Wei is absent

The two camps originally stood on the left and right sides, but Yu Zhen frowned.

Just because Meng Hufa should have Qiao Wei's figure there, but they didn't see it.

The people headed by Wu Hufa stood on the other side of the sacrificial platform, but looking at the number of people, there were only a handful of twenty or thirty people, which seemed too influential to compare with the hundreds of people on Meng Linzhi's side.

This is naturally the opposition.

The entire Southern Cloud Region knew about the affairs of the incantation sect and the priests.

There have been many disputes over the years.

As for the Conjuration School, the people of Southern Clouds are in awe.

Conjuration is like a guard, protecting them.

However, compared to the sacred priest, the status of the magic sect is still far from the former.

And because of Batu's courage and the things they have done in the past few years, they have seen the hope of the rise of the Southern Cloud Territory, so almost everyone supports the priest's expansion plan.

But in any case, in their view, the sacrificial meeting should temporarily put aside those grievances.

Because in front of the gods, there shouldn't be any fighting, this is respect for the gods, otherwise it is blasphemy.

However, in the past two years, everyone in the Southern Cloud Region has become increasingly dissatisfied with the Conjuration School.

In other words, in the past two years, they have become increasingly dissatisfied with one person, that is, Qiao Min.

Because Qiao Min has been absent for two consecutive sacrificial meetings, this has never happened in the history of the Southern Cloud Region.

In their cognition, Qiao Min is strong, but he is always a member of the Conjuration School. How could he be absent from such a big worship meeting?

Isn't this disrespect to the gods?

"What's the matter? This time the Sect Master hasn't arrived, isn't even the young lady coming?"

"Too shameful! What is this, ignore the gods?"

"How can this be?"

All the teams that saw Wu Hufa led the team suddenly began to make dissatisfied voices.

The suzerain and the priest had conflicts because of their differences of opinion. This didn't seem to be a major event, after all, it had existed in history.

But this is the biggest event every year-the sacrificial meeting!

How can you be absent?

Someone in the crowd suddenly said coldly, "Huh! I missed the sacrificial meeting because of a small conflict. What kind of suzerain is this?"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at this man dumbfounded, their faces slightly moved.

The vast majority of people, although they are dissatisfied, they are far from rude.

After all, the lord is the lord!

With high strength and the comfort that guards the Southern Clouds, how can he speak badly?

"Shi Feng, don't be rude!" an old man whispered to persuade him.

The young man named Shi Feng coldly snorted: "What's wrong with me? Can the lord do whatever he wants and ignore the rules laid down by our ancestors? We are all equal in front of the holy mountain! Why doesn't he come?"

Many people's expressions have changed again, and these words seem to be disrespectful to the Sect Master and the Sect Master!

Suddenly someone stood up and roared: "That's right! Even if you don't come to participate for two consecutive years, for these two or three years, you have not even a shadow. Can you just let go of a retreat? The existence of the curse is to protect Nan Yunyu, the duty of the sovereign is even more so, but what is it now! Now that even the young lady does not appear, how can we protect our Southern Yunyu? What if someone invades at this time?

Soon, the emotions of these people aroused many people's dissatisfaction and anger.

After all, many people dared not say anything because of the status of the conjuration school and Qiao Min's power, but they had been suppressed for too long.

Now some people started booing, and it instantly ignited their dissatisfaction.

In the entire Southern Cloud Region, more than one hundred thousand people are talking about it, and there is a big meaning of crusade.

Of course, they are not really crusades, they just want to vent their dissatisfaction.

According to the past situation, the overlord will be there for such a big event.

After all, known as the strongest person in the Southern Cloud Region, if there is a suzerain, that can suppress everyone with majesty, thus making the sacrificial meeting more sacred.

But perhaps because of the divergence of opinions between Qiao Min and the priest in the past few years, coupled with the conjure sect's only promise, the priests continue to brainwash them, making them more dissatisfied with Qiao Min .

And look at the disciple of Wu Hufa curse Fazong, his face is very ugly, and look at Meng Linzhi's calm and indifferent expression.

Xiao Yu looked indifferently in his eyes, but his heart was filled with a taste of watching a show.

"Really interesting."

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