Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1813: Ancient monster, dragon pivot!

Qiao Wei shouted, and the giant net enveloped the giant flame snake. Accompanied by a harsh scream, the giant flame snake immediately died down and returned to nothingness.

This hand was supernatural, and the ever-changing spiritual technique really opened Xiao Yu's vision.

Although spiritual law and magical power have the same effect, the spiritual power contained in spiritual law is purer and stronger.

the other side.

Under the holy mountain, Batu opened his eyes slightly, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

"Xiaowei, why do you bother?"

Yes, all the fire spirit seeds on the holy mountain are controlled by Batu.

And the giant snake just now was also controlled by Batu.

Why didn't he know Qiao Wei going up the mountain?

But for Qiao Wei, there is still a kind of thought and emotion in his heart.

As for the monstrous flame of the flame giant just now, he did not want to take Qiao Wei's life, he just wanted Qiao Wei to retreat.

Although Batu's eyes had some strange mood swings, but then he recovered a kind of indifference.

"In any case, no one can stop my pace."

Then Batu closed his eyes again.

Go back to the top of the mountain.

Qiao Wei killed the flame giant, but her eyes didn't relax at all, but became colder and ugly.

Those boys and girls were still in the fire, Qiao Wei was silent, and wanted to rescue her again.

But at this moment, a huge shadow suddenly fell into the sky.

Far away, even Xiao Yu felt a fierce and powerful breath.

When he looked up, his heart jumped suddenly, and it didn't take long for a behemoth to fall down.

This is a monster!

When everyone saw this behemoth, their expressions changed drastically.

This monster looks as big as ten meters, and its skin is a deep red color.

It has a wolf tail, four feet, and a pair of antlers on a wolf-like tiger head!

This weird monster is really beyond everyone's expectations.

But seeing this monster beast, Xiao Yu's heart jumped sharply and exclaimed, "This is the'Longshu'!"

The so-called dragon hub is actually an ancient monster that has a very distant bloodline from the legendary dragon.

This kind of ancient monster beast can be said to be extinct, and it is impossible to appear here in the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World.

According to what Rhubarb told Xiao Yu, Longshu is the representative of the "distant blood" of the dragon clan.

According to legend, the dragon gave birth to nine sons, and the nine sons are different. This is because of the number of blood inheritance and the close relationship.

The ancient times can even be traced back to the era longer than the ancient times. The dragon race is one of the strongest races in the Nine Heavens World. Therefore, many monster beasts afterwards can evolve even if they have a little blood relationship with the dragon race. Into a very powerful existence.

This dragon hub is such an existence.

According to legend, Longshu's physique is special. It is a kind of monster that can be born from the land of heaven and earth to the pure and strong attribute, plus a little blood of the dragon clan.

This kind of place is the land of flames.

It can be said that the appearance of the dragon pivot means that it was born in a place of pure and most yang.

That is, Fire Spirit Mountain.

Because the dragon bloodline contained in the dragon hub is too scarce, the strongest state of this dragon hub is the level of a sixth-level monster.

Sixth-level monsters, this is only equivalent to the level of good fortune realm.

But you know, this is the world of thirty small heavens!

The sixth-level monster, a strong creature in the good fortune realm, is already the top creature in this world!

And this dragon pivot, according to the degree of breath, actually reached the level of six!


Immediately afterwards, with a deafening roar, Long Shu slammed his foot on the ground, and the entire Huo Ling Mountain shook, with a feeling of falling apart.

Shenlong was angry, half of the universe destroyed itself!

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