Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1814: Sky Cover Fire Cloud

Of course, Longshu is not a real dragon, but its one-foot power is enough to shock everyone present.

Even Xiao Yu almost became unstable because of the shaking of the mountain.

Because of its roar, it resounded directly above the southern cloud region.

Everyone seemed to be awakened by a muffled thunder, all of them stopped their carnival movements and looked at the sky together.

Just because the whole sky has been shrouded by flames, and this flame has shrouded from the top of the mountain.

This scene really shocked them.

Every year in the ceremonial meeting, the burning flames of the Fire Spirit Mountain will not escape, and especially this year, the fire spirit beasts roar constantly, as if a catastrophe, making people feel breathless and vaguely disturbed. .

The blood-colored flame cloud enveloped the entire southern cloud region. This scene was definitely not a normal phenomenon. Even some elders in the clan had met for the first time in so many years.

"The sky is covered with fire clouds, is it a disaster approaching?" An old man in the clan raised his head and sighed.

Everyone's complexion changed.

For the people of the Southern Cloud Region who believe in the God of Fire Spirit, the vision of heaven is their best prediction.

In a short time, everyone's emotions became tense.

They originally entrusted the priests to lead the people into the peak period, but now that the war has not started, a vision will come from the sky. Isn't it a bad sign?

Wu Hufa and other opposition groups looked up at the vision in the sky, feeling even more disturbed.

"Miss will be okay..."

What he worries most is Qiao Wei's life.

No one has ever known the situation on the mountain, and the fire spirit beast is extremely "sacred", but Qiao Wei and the boy are going to go up the mountain to explore together. Isn't this putting their lives on the edge of the knife?

In the past ten years, the fire spirit beast has been so restless, the holy mountain has been controlled by Batu, and Qiao Ming has also disappeared. He is really afraid that once today’s sacrificial meeting is over, the Southern Cloud Region will be lost. place.

Batu is still sitting cross-legged, but everyone's mood seems to have been greatly affected.

Meng Linzhi stood up when he saw it, and of course he couldn't let them disturb Batu at this critical juncture.

"Dear folks and elders, please don't make a fuss! The heavenly vision represents the **** of the fire spirit showing the holy spirit! The fire spirit beast has awakened, and it does not take long for the fire spirit beast to recover its peak state and strength. At that time, there will be a holy mountain. The guardian leads us, and we are still afraid of the seven sects! By then, the world of sects will belong to our Southern Cloud Region!"

Meng Linzhi's remarks calmed many people's hearts, and also made some of the strong-spirited people more excited.

"Meng Hufa is right, this must be the fire spirit beast showing the holy spirit! The roar over the years must also tell us that the Southern Cloud Region is about to rise! It is about to become brilliant.

"Yes! We must believe the priest's words, only the priest can lead us to the top!"

With this echo, everyone's eyes showed a look of fascination and excitement.

When Wu Hufa saw this, his expression was shocked and angry.

He knew very well in his heart that the more this group of people were like this, the closer they were to death. If they wanted to bring them back to reality, it would be more difficult to stay!

Meng Linzhi and the others were finally relieved.

Of course, they are also very much looking forward to it, just because of ten years of preparation, it will be realized soon!

Go back to the top of the mountain.

Long Shu's rage has already made everyone present in shock.

"This... is this the Fire Spirit Beast?"

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