Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1829: kill him!

When this figure came out from under the night, his face gradually became clear with the light of the campfire.

When Qiao Wei saw this figure, she felt relieved in her heart. For some reason, a look of joy appeared on her face.

Yes, who is this person who appeared instead of Xiao Yu?

Seeing Xiao Yu appearing, I don't know what happened, while Meng Linzhi and the others were relieved, they were also worried.

They breathed a sigh of relief because Xiao Yu was not dead, so they could temporarily avoid the situation of opening fire with Xiaoyao.

But they were worried again, because Xiao Yu was fine, and seeing the fire spirit beast looked like it, it was obvious that the situation on the mountain was not what they thought just now.

It is very likely that Qiao Wei is not fighting the fire spirit beast on the mountain, but the young man and the fire spirit beast!

As Xiao Yu stepped forward step by step, the arrogant and arrogant aura in him grew even stronger.

But invisible, Xiao Yu seemed to give people a feeling of deep as the sea, and the breath as an abyss.

The one who came out of the shadows was not the young man who could be considered by Meng Linzhi and the others to be able to knead at will, and in charge of life and death.

It's a strong man who they can't see clearly, and they have to look up.

At this time, in Long Shu's eyes like a pair of copper bells, the blood evil spirit became more intense.

"It really surprised me!"

At this moment, Batu's voice rang, and the audience was shocked.


Batu's eyes had been opened, and he slowly stood up, his eyes flashing with a cold color.

Xiao Yu's eyes fell on Batu's body, and he sneered: "Batu, are you finally seeing Tuqong?"

Batu's face was very ugly, yes, just because the blow Long Shu gave him just now was really too big.

When facing the Zhongtian monument just now, he unexpectedly felt a sense of powerlessness.

You know, that is the ancient monster dragon pivot!

But he didn't react at all, and Long Shu's body was shaken into the belly of the mountain on the spot.

Because of this, Long Shu suffered some injuries on his body, which in his opinion was an incredible existence.

How terrible is this person's power to be able to break out this kind of power suppression?

And he is just a small achievement in the Heavenly Spirit Realm!

How did Batu know that Xiaoyao Fu, as the world's number one technique in the sect, has a powerful momentum that ordinary people can snoop?

You know, because of this, countless geniuses in the sect world are willing to join the Xiaoyao Sect!

Only because of the decline of the Xiaoyao Sect in the past twenty or thirty years has led to the withering of the disciples of the Sect.

However, it is undeniable that the power of Xiaoyao Fu is recognized, even Xiao Yu deeply felt the powerful help that Xiaoyao Fu brought him.

It's like the second style just now, hammering the sky monument.

This is the power urged by Xiao Yu to reach the eighth level of Xiaoyao Clan.

It is vast and intangible, like a collection of thousands of books, which makes people unable to extricate themselves. This is the breath and power that the power of empowerment gives.

This is also Xiao Yu's new enlightenment skill after breaking into the Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng.

However, it is a pity that the Heaven Hammer Tablet is powerful, but Xiao Yu's strength is still too weak.

The power of the Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng, in his opinion, it is not difficult to kill even the powerhouse at the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

But the problem is that his opponent is a dragon pivot with a strong physical body and a trace of ancient dragon blood!

And when Xiao Yu didn't know, if his thoughts were heard, it would definitely be shocked that the bus would fall.

The horror of the Sky Hammer Tablet, urged by Xiao Yu's Heavenly Spirit Realm Xiaocheng's realm, has already exploded with its strongest power.

And being able to kill the peak of the Heavenly Spirit Realm is an incredible existence in itself!

If even a sixth-level monster can be killed, then everyone in the sect world will definitely be horrified to vomit blood.

Because in their opinion, being able to force a sixth-level monster beast, equivalent to a strong fortune realm, to such a value, this is already a very terrifying existence!

"See you Tuqongdagger? Hahaha!" Suddenly, Batu laughed wildly three times.

Then, he said coldly: "You don't know what the power I control! Today you are seeking your own death, and I will use your blood to strengthen my Southern Clouds forever! Kill him!"

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