Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1830: The unicorn roars, the dragon retreats

Batu gave an order, and then Long Shu let out a loud roar, and its legs slammed on the ground, turning into a flame, and it rushed towards Xiao Yu.

And this scene was completely stunned by the audience.

Especially the people of the Southern Cloud Region were so scared that their faces paled, obviously how unbelievable this scene was.

"How could this be... the fire spirit beast... actually listened to the priest's order?"

"How is it possible! The fire spirit beast is the patron saint! How could it be possible to obey the priest's order!"

"Furthermore... and the priest seems to be asking the fire spirit beast to kill that young man..."

A face full of horror, incredible, appeared on these people's faces.

In their perception, Batu, as a priest, has a noble status, but he is always the so-called messenger of the gods.

Compared with the true patron saint of the holy mountain, the Fire Spirit Beast, its status is still much worse.

After all, priests are messengers who worship the gods and serve the patron saint. What about now?

Now it's the other way around!

Moreover, in their impression, why did the priest let the fire spirit beast kill the young man?

Of course they didn't know that the moment the monument was hammered at the top of the mountain had already completely angered Batu.

In Batu’s view, Xiao Yu provokes his majesty, and also interrupts his plan.

The sacrifice to the living people was interrupted.

In addition, Long Shu was injured.

This is definitely a big blow to their plan.

You know, in the past ten years, they have continuously sent those people to Long Shu's mouth to let him slowly recover.

I thought that he could reach his peak again this year, but because the young man who didn't care about him was ruined!

How is he not angry?

How could he leave this person's life?

Long Shu's consciousness was still under Batu's control. With a violent roar, it turned into a flame of light and slaughtered towards Xiao Yu.

"Good job!"

A purple light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and an aura of domineering power spread.

"Longshu is the third piece of burning fire. If I want to get the last piece of burning fire, then I must subdue it!"

The strength of Longshu's body is definitely incomparable to any monster Xiao Yu has seen in the world of the sect.

How did Xiao Yu know that the ancient dragon clan was originally the strongest body for strength and defense.

As Longshu possesses a bit of ancient dragon bloodline, its physical defense is of course not something ordinary people can resist.

The most important thing is that Longshu is not in its peak state yet.

And Xiao Yu couldn't even imagine how terrifying his strength would be if Longshu reached its peak state?

Wouldn't it be that no one in the realm of creation can defeat it?

The only thing I feel fortunate is that the dragon hub is not in a complete state, and it has not evolved completely.

In other words, it is not impossible for Xiao Yu to defeat it.

And to resist this ancient monster, Xiao Yu also planned to use even more powerful force to resist.

Xiao Yu's heart was shocked, and the power of the terrifying purple lin rose up into the sky, and a purple purple unicorn faintly appeared behind him. It was as large as a hundred meters and instantly surrounded Xiao Yu.


As soon as the purple unicorn shadow appeared, for a while, the mighty and extraordinary purple unicorn roared up to the sky, and the roar shook the sky and the earth, and the entire land of the southern cloud region was shaken.

The soaring purple light has dyed a faint purple color all over the kilometer.

Perhaps it was because of seeing such a powerful ancient monster beast, the majesty and anger among monsters like Ziqilin burst out completely.

With this shock, the figure that Long Shu leaped over was shocked and flew out because of the power of the purple unicorn.

The unicorn roared, and wanted to compare with Tiangong!

Suddenly, the audience was silent, and their hearts trembled with fright, a feeling of heaven and earth bowing their heads and 10,000 people worshipping.

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