Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1831: Divide the flames and extinguish the sea!

Although Xiao Yu didn't know what kind of existence the purple unicorn contained in his own bones.

But the longer the fusion, the more Xiao Yu could sense that the aura of this purple unicorn and the level of bloodline were beyond Xiao Yu's imagination.

And look at Longshu. This monster with a little dragon bloodline actually flew out because of the roar of the purple unicorn.

It is enough to see that in front of Ziqilin, above the suppression of blood, Long Shu has already lost.

"Pretend to be! Boy, no matter how strong you are, you are still in the Heavenly Spirit Realm! Even if you are a dragon, you have to lie on your stomach!"

Wasn't Batu trembling, but he knew better that the power of Longshu and its evolutionary potential were not what they saw now.

A look of horror appeared in Long Shu's eyes.

This was a top-down surrender in the blood of the primitive monster beast. Obviously, Long Shu was also panicked because of the ancient and powerful purple unicorn.

But Batu's thoughts urged out, and a **** light was instantly beaten into the dragon hub.


Long Shu let out a painful roar, and its eyes that had originally exposed fear gave a new look.


Long Shu slammed his foot on the ground, and a crack spread from the soles of his feet, and the skyrocketing flames turned into countless seas of flames, continuously spreading Xiao Yu's position.

"Boom boom boom!"

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and there was a gesture of splitting into two halves. The people behind them looked terrified and shocked.

"Is this the power of the fire spirit beast? It's terrifying!"

The sky full of flames rose into the sky, and immediately condensed into a huge wave of hundreds of meters, covering Xiao Yu.

The raging wolves raged up into the sky, and the terrifying waves gave a feeling of overlooking the golden mountains.

In the face of this huge wave, Ziqilin still held its head high, not afraid.

"Zi Lin Fist!"

With a roar in his heart, Xiao Yu swung out with the mighty power of the world and the surging momentum.

The coercion displayed by the fist-style directly distorted the space slightly. This kind of power that kept the heaven and the earth trembling, and made all the beasts bow their heads, greeted them.


The power of the purple unicorn was too terrifying, and immediately a huge hole was punched in the monstrous fire wave. Under the trembling space, all the flames belonged to a kind of nothingness.

Fist splits the flame waves! Fire the sea!

This scene made countless people tremble, and even Batu felt unbelievable.

This is the offensive of the sixth-level monster!

How could it be compromised so easily?

Qiao Wei's beautiful body is also completely unable to extricate herself, her face is pale, and there is infinite divine light in her eyes.

"It turns out that he is hiding so deep...Is this his strength?"

Meng Linzhi, Yu Zhen, Wu Hufa, the three major lakes in the Southern Cloud Region, were also completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, the power of the boy's punch is so powerful that it makes one's heart trembling.

But what they don't know is that all this is not over yet.

The terrifying vigor, accompanied by Xiao Yu's stature, swept away like a bamboo, drove straight forward, and suddenly landed on Longshu's head.


A dull collision sounded suddenly, and Long Shu's body, which had evolved into a body over 30 meters in size, was shaken off on the spot.


There was blood in Long Shu's head, and one of the antlers was completely interrupted, and his head was sunken by a third.

At this time, Long Shu's huge head was full of blood, and it could not get up at all. It fell to the ground, and the flames on its body disappeared completely, revealing a red skin like scales.


Long Shu was wailing in pain, his eyes had returned to a dim look.

"" Batu was stunned, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and he couldn't believe the scene before him.

All the people in the Southern Clouds trembled violently, and the air seemed to freeze.

Long Shu, this ancient monster, the patron saint they had known for hundreds of years in the Southern Cloud Region, was...wounded badly by a punch!

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