Shura God Emperor

Chapter 183: there is always a solution to a problem

Eight guards with knives led the way in front of them, the carriage was in the middle, and six people stood behind. This team of people walking on the road of the capital immediately attracted a lot of people's onlookers.

It seems that this trip to counties and counties has caused too much noise, even if it is still dark, many people are already "welcoming them".

Xiao Yu didn't get in the car, he was a cultivator, and his body was different from Xiao Wencheng.

Even if he travels for a few days and nights, he will not feel too tired, but he has to guard outside to prevent any accidents.

Of course, these people outside were not here to greet them, but to watch a good show, and the protagonist was naturally Xiao Yu.

The children of the big, middle and small nobles in the city are all waiting early in the morning.

When I saw Xiao Yu, they were all cynics and discussed in a low voice.

"Have you seen it? This is the end of the tree's enchantment, against the royal family, this is the only end."

"Hey, everyone in the capital knows that this trip is dangerous. Whether he can come back or not is unknown. Seeing that he is still so arrogant like that, he really deserves him."

"Huh! What a genius, no matter how good the talent is, even Bao Xuan Pavilion dare not protect him this time."

The children of these families discussed in a low voice, with a disdainful expression.

They did not dare to discuss it aloud. Although the Queen's point of view of Xiao Yu was a well-known thing, this kind of thing could not be put on the surface. Everyone knew it well.

On the other side, this time even the heads of the three major families stood on the tower.

Wei Baozhong looked at the young figure in the distance with indifference.

"You said, can Xiao Yu make it to the county?"

Wang Jianhua sneered and said: "Who knows, this kid has a lot of cards, maybe there will be a fight on the road, do you think he will always be your nephew."

Li Shijiang looked indifferent to you, and said: "I have already said that Xiao Yu has nothing to do with our Li family. Don't forget, he abolished my son. Li Shijiang will never forgive him in this life! This is what he asked for himself, and he can only blame himself if he wants to blame."

The other two Patriarchs nodded in unison.

Xiao Yu was really terrible. The last time he fisted in the Forest of Steles, he abolished all the elite geniuses of his family, and Wei Rongxin of the Wei family was killed directly.

This not only damaged the queen's right-hand man, but also severely slapped the face of the three major families.

Xiao Yu's growth potential already made all the families in the city feel a threat.

So this time, Xiao Yu is definitely going to die.


In the crowd below, Xiao Yu found a figure of Miao Man, which was Tang Ling'er.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly towards Tang Ling'er and said that he would be fine.

Tang Linger also cast a cautious look in the past.

He looked in a certain direction, and sure enough, he found Palin on the top of a house.

"Xiao Yu, I hope you can be safe and sound." Pei Lin murmured.

It was hard to find such a genius as Xiao Yu to train, but Xiao Yu was so fierce during this trip that Baoxuan Pavilion still couldn't do anything.

Because the queen knew about the relationship between Bao Xuan Pavilion and Xiao Yu, she would definitely send someone to strictly monitor the masters of Bao Xuan Pavilion.

Xiao Yu also cast a relieved look. In the entire capital, Tang Ling'er and Pei Lin and others are probably the only ones who care about him.

"The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth, let me see if you can help me and!"

Soon, the group left the city and headed towards the county.

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