Shura God Emperor

Chapter 184: Asked me if

It takes two days to go to the county, plus when the sun comes out, the heat can bake the earth directly.

Xiao Yu and these guards with swords had no problem. They were cultivators after all, but Xiao Wencheng was different.

A literati and inexperienced person, his body strength is just the same as ordinary people, it is impossible to compare with them.

Xiao Yu could already feel the sweat of Xiao Wencheng inside, and he was too hot.

"There is a forest in front, take a break," Xiao Yu ordered.

The name of the chief guard with a knife this time is Feng Linchuan, and his strength is complete in the Qi Hui state.

Feng Linchuan frowned and said: "Young Master Xiao, we are here to treat the floods. The counties and counties are waiting for Scholar Xiao to treat them. If the delay is too long, the people will suffer more deaths and injuries."

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Then if my dad has some shortcomings, how can we talk about flood control? Are you responsible?"

Feng Linchuan was a little displeased after hearing that, Xiao Wencheng in the carriage poked his head out in sweat and said, "Xiao Yu, father is okay, you can continue on the road."

"It's been a morning, and it's midday, and I need to rest, dad, just listen to me."

In fact, when he came to this woods, Xiao Yu felt that the surrounding area was too quiet, even too quiet.

In addition, the weather was really hot and uncomfortable. He didn't want Xiao Wencheng to suffer. After all, going to the county was just an excuse. He knew the queen's purpose very well, so he needed to be very careful.

Feng Linchuan also greeted: "Resting on the spot for half an hour."

The guards were scattered, none of them were close to Xiao Wencheng, and Xiao Yu helped Xiao Wencheng to rest under a big tree.

"Xiaoyu! It's not that Dad has never traveled before, and he doesn't need to embarrass them. Dad is not old yet and can stand it." Xiao Wencheng said.

Xiao Yu had already seen that Xiao Wencheng's face was flushed, it was obviously hot, and he couldn't bear it.

My heart is even more cold towards the royal family and the queen.

Xiao Wencheng was a loyal minister of the dynasty. Under normal circumstances, if he went to other places, he would usually have flying monsters as a means of passage.

The queen made it clear that Xiao Yu would be rectified.

And look at this group of people, all of them are very lazy, not guarded at all, those who don't know don't really think they are here to protect Xiao Wencheng.

"Father, take a good rest here, I will protect you." Xiao Yu said.

Xiao Wencheng leaned against the tree to rest, while Xiao Yu's soul power was released, always observing his surroundings.

After a while, he himself also meditated, but half of his consciousness was observing the outside.

Over there, Feng Linchuan winked at the guards, and a group of more than a dozen people all walked away, but their swords stayed where they were.

After a while, the sound of "shoo, hoo," rang out, and immediately eight people in black appeared in this woods, each with a long knife in each hand.

The movement here was not small, Xiao Wencheng was awakened all at once, his face changed drastically.

Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes and scanned the eight people.

The eight men in black are all covered with their faces, and their strengths are all fulfilled in the aura.

"You...who are you?"

"We are here to take our lives!"

As soon as the eight men in black spoke, they turned into black shadows and pounced on Xiao Wencheng and his son.

"If you want to take our lives, have you ever asked me!"

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