Shura God Emperor

Chapter 185: Dragons have reverse scales and die if touched

Xiao Yu slapped his hand on the ground, and his whole body jumped.

Xiao Wencheng shouted: "Come here! There are assassins!"

But when he looked around, where did he find any guards? Only those guards' knives were placed on the ground.

On this side, Xiao Yu was already culled.

Their speed is fast, but Xiao Yu's speed is even more terrifying than them. The silver phantom was drawn directly, and the cold light burst out.

Starting with the Seven Star Sword, the sword aura suddenly burst out, and in an instant, a huge sword net was pierced and enveloped.

The faces of the eight men in black changed slightly, so terrible sword aura!

But they are not vegetarian. Obviously, they are also well-trained. They directly withstand the body and then wield a long knife at the same time.

This sword technique, even the movement and the momentum are exactly the same.

"Chang Feng breaks through!"


The eight-sword long sword Li Mang flew out like lightning, breaking Xiao Yu's sword net all at once.

But the power of their swordsmanship also stopped the momentum of advancement.


The eight men in black were culled again, but they were different. The men in black on the left and right went around half a circle and killed Xiao Wencheng. The remaining six people rounded up Xiao Yu like lightning.


Six people hold knives in both hands, and their long knives have even reached the fifth-grade treasure!

"Six Winds Linglong Knife!"

Six people shouted, and six knives swept across the army at the same time.

The six swords with a length of one meter turned into a full moon scimitar, strangling Xiao Yu in six directions at the same time, with a rapid range

Xiao Yu was furious, and this group of people even set up a sword formation, and they actually came prepared.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Xiao Yu shouted angrily, these six offensives were definitely not allowed to be underestimated, but the two men in black over there were about to kill Xiao Wencheng.

If you join Xiao Yu and insist on going to rescue, then you are likely to get injured.

But if you don't save it, Xiao Wen's achievement, who has no power to bind the chicken, will be killed.

At this moment, a green light suddenly flashed out, directly flying towards Xiao Wencheng.

It's Xiaolong!

Seeing that the little dragon opened his mouth, its long tongue suddenly rose up against the storm, and directly curled up one of the men in black, and then slammed into the other in black.

The two men in black were directly knocked over and thrown away.

Xiao Wencheng was in shock, but Xiaolong shook his three hundred and sixty-degree turning eyes lazily on the ground.

"Little dragon, protect my father!"

Xiao Yu knew that Xiaolong was extraordinary, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, but with Xiaolong protecting Xiao Wencheng, he could definitely kill these people with confidence.


Xiao Yu was full of anger. Xiao Wencheng was his only relative, it can be said that it was his Nilin. If these people dare to touch Xiao Wencheng, it is equivalent to touching Xiao Yu's Nilin.

The dragon has reverse scales and will die if touched!

"Tornado slaying!"

Xiao Yu yelled in his heart, and the Seven Star Sword danced wildly into a large tornado hurricane formed by sword aura, which swept like lightning with Xiao Yu as the center.

The tornado hurricane grew stronger and stronger, and the six sword formations of the men in black were strangled into nothingness.

"Point, kill!"

As the expressions of the six men in black changed drastically, the huge tornado hurricane turned into six small tornadoes and flew directly towards the six of them.

Along the way, the astonishing sword meaning contained Xiao Yu's angry killing intent, and it shrouded it fiercely.

The six black-clothed men looked pale, and all turned around and left because they felt that the sword intent was too terrifying...

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