Shura God Emperor

Chapter 186: Xiao Yu's killing heart

"Since it's here, don't leave!"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly and waved the Seven-Star Sword, and these six tornado killings were directly on them.


Six screams suddenly sounded, and the six people became **** and fell to the ground.

There were two other men in black who were beaten to the ground by the dragon, but they turned pale when they saw their companions being killed instantly.

This kid is so terrible!

One person kills six people who are stronger than him, how can there be such a terrible strength? This is simply not in line with intelligence!

But now they only have one thought, then escape!


The two of them are heading in the same direction with great speed.

Xiao Yu was already ready, grabbing the two long knives on the ground, and just threw it out.


The speed of the sword flying was very fast. After all, Xiao Yu's physical strength was there, and one of them was pierced in the back and died directly.

The other person was inserted into the thigh and fell directly to the ground.

Xiao Yu skimmed over and stared at the man in black coldly, his face turned paler.

"Don't... don't kill me."

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Killing you will only tarnish my hand, say! Who sent you here!"

These men in black are capable of even a powerful joint attack such as a sword formation, and they are well-trained. The battle plan is basically listed, and it is definitely not as simple as an ordinary assassination.

And most likely it was sent by the Tianfu Sect!

"I..." The man in black hesitated.

With cold eyes, Xiao Yu drew the long knife from the black-clothed man's thigh. The black-clothed man screamed, and Xiao Yu directly held the long knife and put it on the black-clothed man's neck.

Xiao Wencheng is an intellectual, and he has basically never seen such a **** picture. He said anxiously: "Xiaoyu, don't be impulsive..."

"Father, you don't know, these people have been prepared long ago, just to intercept us halfway, I want him to confess the people behind!"

Xiao Wencheng was anxious, and grabbed Xiao Yu's hand and whispered in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, you also know what's going on, why do you need to ask?"

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "Father, I know who sent us to kill us, I have to ask! I want them to know that Xiao Yu is not easy to provoke!"

The anger in Xiao Yu's heart can be said to be very great, he is not afraid that the queen and the people of Tianfumen will assassinate him, he is afraid that it will affect his father.

But this trip to counties and counties clearly affected Xiao Wencheng, all because of himself.

But this is the end of the matter, the only way is to make up for it, and to kill the chicken and the monkey.

The black-clothed man's face became paler, and the cold long knife was draped around his neck, and the feeling of death came to life.

"Xiao Yu, you let me go, you can't afford the people behind me..."

Xiao Yu's face sank, and with a wave of his hand, he cut the man's neck directly.

The little dragon next to him twisted his head and jumped directly onto Xiao Yu's shoulder.

"It's good to have you just now." Xiao Yu said gratefully.

Xiaolong seemed to click his chin intentionally, which was very human, and then continued to enter the depths of Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Wencheng's face was pale, and he sighed in his heart.

"Father, the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to ourselves. Since they don't let us live well, then I don't have to keep my hands. Don't worry, I will take you back to the capital safely!" Xiao Yu said heavily.

Xiao Wencheng's old face was moved, he slapped his thigh, and said, "Xiao Yu, it's a cowardly father! Since you are so determined, you will no longer be indecisive as your father. You will support you as your father does what you want."

At this time, more than a dozen figures swept over, and suddenly it was Feng Linchuan's guards with swords.

When they saw the eight dead men in black, their expressions suddenly changed.

Feng Linchuan pretended to be surprised and ran over, and said, "Xiao Shi, what happened?"

Xiao Yu's body slammed, that kind of killing intent immediately locked Feng Linchuan, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring: "Don't you know what happened?"

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