Shura God Emperor

Chapter 187: conspiracy

This killing intent directly caused Feng Linchuan and others' complexions to suddenly change.

This kid is so terrible to kill!

A dozen people in the group all backed up a few steps.

"Xiao Yu, you...what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yu stared at them coldly, and asked, "Where did you go just now? Didn't you know there were assassins?"

Feng Linchuan said nervously: "We went to patrol the surrounding area just now, and rushed over as soon as I heard Old Man Xiao's cry, who knows..."

"Who knows when we come back and see that we are not dead, but the assassin is dead instead, is that right?" Xiao Yu's heart burned with anger.

It must be a lie to talk about patrols. Just now they obviously walked away deliberately so that the assassin could do it.

So when Xiao Yu and Xiao Wencheng are killed, they will have an excuse to go back.

And if those assassins are killed by bad luck, they can also return here, because they put their weapons here, and they can make excuses to say that they are going to patrol.

Sure enough, one of the guards bit the bullet and said, "Xiao Yu, don't talk nonsense! What do you mean is that we deliberately walked away and conspired with the assassin? You know, our weapons are still here, how can we leave!? "

Xiao Yu is a sensible person, why not Xiao Wencheng.

These so-called **** guards were bought. He said, "Xiao Yu, forget it."

What he said, forget it, not really forget it, but because they have reasons to excuse themselves no matter how hard they ask.

This is obviously a trap, and it is useless to say more.

"These people are not good at escorting them, and it's just a burden to follow them. It's better to kill you, and not to see is forgotten." Xiao Yu said coldly.

Feng Linchuan and the others paled again, and their strength was no more than Xiao Yu's.

But these people in black are all one level higher than Xiao Yu, but they still cannot escape bad luck. Wouldn't it be easy for Xiao Yu to kill them?

They know that this kid is no ordinary person.

Xiao Yu was holding a long sword and his killing intent rose. Feng Linchuan gritted his teeth and roared: "Xiao Yu, don't mess around! We are also imperial order officials, and we have official titles, and we are appointed by the queen empress! You will kill us, when the time comes The court knows, it is impossible for your Xiao family to gain a foothold in the capital!"

Xiao Yu's killing intent rose by three points again, and said coldly: "Are you a threat to me?"

Feng Linchuan said: "Are you threatening you? You know that your Xiao family is also a family for hundreds of years. When you kill us, you are fighting against the royal family. By then, the Chenbei Dynasty will have no place for you. You are wanted criminals. !"

These words did not make Xiao Yu scared, but rather moved Xiao Wencheng's face.

The Xiao family has a history of two to three hundred years in the capital. If he really became a wanted criminal, how would he face his ancestors?

But he said before that he supported Xiao Yu to do anything, so Xiao Wencheng's expression was very contradictory, and he did not speak.

Xiao Yu of course knew the stakes in this. He took a deep breath, put the Seven-Star Sword away, and said in a deep voice, "I warn you, it's best not to play tricks during this time! Otherwise, they will be your fate. !"

Feng Linchuan and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They found that their backs were already wet with sweat.

Xiao Yu helped Xiao Wencheng get into the carriage. One of the guards here whispered beside Feng Linchuan, "Master Feng, what should I do now? This kid seems to know us..."

Feng Linchuan looked at that figure and snorted coldly: "Don't act rashly for the time being, just let them go to the county safely. Anyway, when they get there, someone will deal with him naturally!"

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