Shura God Emperor

Chapter 188: Supervise

The group continued on their way for almost two days, and finally reached the county.

Upon arriving at the county, Xiao Yu discovered that the town was basically flooded to the knee.

Although it is said that it was driven by ducks and the flood control is false, and Xiao Yu is the real one, but in any case, Xiao Wen Chengdu cares about the people.

Since he has come to the county, he will certainly do his best.

The two fathers and sons immediately went to the county magistrate's house. At this time, some county officials were present, and they were overjoyed when they saw Xiao Wencheng's arrival.

"Meet Mr. Xiao, if Mr. Xiao can come, our county will be saved."

Xiao Wencheng smiled bitterly. I'm afraid the royal family's plan is to tell them that someone from the capital will come to the county to treat the flood, but if they know the real situation in the flood, I am afraid they will not be so optimistic.

Xiao Wencheng waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, what's the situation now?"

The county magistrate smiled bitterly: "Our county was originally small, but it happened to be at the lower reaches of the big river. Recently, I don’t know what happened. There was a flood in the big river and many villagers were drowned. We just sent strong men to besieged. Method."

Xiao Yu thought to himself, of course you can't help it, it's a monster inside.

Suddenly, at this moment, an official came outside and hurried in, shouting, "My lord, there are people from Beijing again!"

"Here is someone again!"

The officials in this lobby were all taken aback and looked at Xiao Wencheng and his son.

Isn't someone here in this capital? Why are you here again? And why did they not receive the news?

Xiao Yu and Xiao Wencheng were even more surprised.

Especially Xiao Yu, with doubts and sneers in his heart, what the **** is this royal family going to do! ?

At this time, a group of people walked in. The one headed was a young man, who was about 20 years old.

This young man has a cold and arrogant expression. There are several young children around him. They are all good at their strengths, and they seem to have a good background.

"You are..." the county magistrate asked.

The headed youth took out a golden token and said indifferently: "I am sent by the Queen Empress to supervise and control the flood. My name is Shao Lin."

The county magistrate and others looked respectful when they saw the word "Queen" in the token.

"It turned out to be Lord Shao, so I'm troubled by the Lord." The county magistrate and others all called them respectfully.

Shao Lin's eyes immediately fell on Xiao Wencheng and Xiao Yu, but in the end they stared at Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu, I have always heard of your name, but I didn’t expect that I would be lucky enough to see you in person today. I didn’t expect you to follow along, but it’s good to have my supervision and your strength. We must be able to manage the monsters in the flood." Shao Lin said with a meaningful arc in the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yu's heart was shocked, this person was actually sent by the queen! So that means he is also a son of the royal family! ?

Suddenly he felt that the arrival was unkind, and said coldly: "It seems that the queen empress is still very concerned about the flood disasters in the counties!"

There is an implication in this, that is, the queen wants to deal with me, but I did not expect to send someone to come!


Shao Lin is not stupid, he heard it too, he laughed three times, then stared at Xiao Yu, and said meaningfully: "That's for sure, the monster is a stranger, and the queen and mother are not at peace, which will make the capital not stable. You have to get rid of it, Xiao Yu, don't you think?"

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