Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1853: Descendants of "Black Crow"

Taking a closer look, everyone found that this was a figure of a bull head!

With a body as large as ten meters, terrifying and well-developed limbs, full of explosive power, every muscle is like a high hill.

As soon as the tauren appeared, a more bulging and heavier aura came up, and within a kilometer of a radius, everyone felt as if they were being oppressed by a hill on their shoulders.

Especially the ordinary people in the Southern Clouds who were close by, felt that they were out of breath.


As soon as the blood hoof appeared, there was a roar that shook the sky and the earth. This roar trembles the souls of all people.

The deep, blood-red eyes were filled with a **** and brutal breath.

"This... what is this?"

With such a terrifying aura, Qiao Wei and the others were dumbfounded when they saw it, and looked up to the sky, feeling like surrendering.

"Boy, you call me, is it because you have encountered something difficult?" A heavy hoarse voice sounded from Bloodhoof's mouth, and the bull's head looked down at Xiao Yu below.

This scene shocked everyone present.

"Unexpectedly...spitting words!!!"

The bull's head human body, looks like a monster, but also like a human being, looking at this figure, it is definitely enough to show extraordinary.

However, listening to the meaning of this creature's words seems to be from Xiao Yu!

Xiao Yu looked at the skinny demon repairer with a smile, and said, "There is a fly, I want you to kill him."

Bloodhoof turned his head, and finally saw the incredulous expression of the skinny Demon Cultivator.

Who knows, when Bloodhoof looked like this, the deep red light in his eyes looked even more mysterious.

"I feel a kind of evil power, as if I have met my old opponent "Black Crow"."

"Oh? Who is Black Crow?" Xiao Yu asked immediately.

" do you know our ancestors of the Black Cliff Sect..." The thin middle-aged man was shocked again.

Bloodhoof's eyes had a disdainful gesture, and said, "So you are a descendant of the black crow, is it that the aura of the cultivation method is so similar. The black crow was just an ant in my eyes at the beginning, and I would feel it wasted even if I stepped on it to death. Strength, I don't want him to have descendants."

This scene really made this Demon Cultivator pale, unbelievable.

Similarly, Xiao Yu's eyes also looked interested.

The blood hoof came from the sacred cattle clan, who went out to experience the ancient continent thousands of years ago, and the ancient continent had so many powerful creatures, then it is not surprising that there were so-called demonic cultivators at that time.

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't study it carefully now. He said indifferently, "Meeting old friends, that would be the best. Help me kill him."

Xiao Yu said that the clouds were light and windy, but the demon cultivator's expression changed drastically.

"Impossible, how is it possible... The golden coffin of the western region of the grave, the leader of the ten directions, you can't control it."

The skinny Demon Cultivator was full of incredible expression, and he obviously didn't believe it was true at all.

Bloodhoof snorted coldly: "Fluorescent Fire, what qualifications do you have to know the identity of the son of Shura."

"Son of Shura?" The thin demon repairer was completely taken aback.

Obviously he didn't know what Shura's son.

Of course, Qiao Wei and others could hear clearly, and they were all puzzled.

"Well, since the son of Shura wants you to die, then go and die!"

Bloodhoof finally stopped talking nonsense, raised a huge hammer, and smashed it down right away...

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