Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1854: Reverse

At the same time as the hammer fell, a fierce and extreme aura was almost like a rushing sea, and it fell instantly.

Such a breath made countless people feel scared.

"What a terrifying aura, this...what kind of power is this?" Yu Zhen exclaimed.

As soon as this demon spirit appeared, the aura that it displayed was far greater than that of Xiao Yu and that demon cultivator.

Just a gesture between raising hands and feet, it draws out the oppression of heaven and earth, how terrifying power does this have to achieve?

The thin demon repairer almost encountered the biggest enemy in his life. He yelled and looked at the hammer that looked like a big mountain falling down, and quickly moved to the side.


Bloodhoof hit a pit of tens of meters with a hammer.

The ground was shaking, the mountains were shaking, and the ground was trembling violently. Everyone's heart beat, and they almost couldn't stand on their feet.

This seemingly tattered hammer has such a power that it hasn't urged its power yet, this...what the **** is this!

Seeing the power of Bloodhoof again, Xiao Yu still had lingering fears.

But when he surrendered to Bloodhoof, it was just the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm.

At that time, he was still spurred by the power of the ultimate Asura and the power of the Buddha, reluctantly, taking advantage of a short gap to enter the consciousness of Bloodhoof.

Even though the bloodhoof's soul is mutilated, and the body is also mutilated, since being controlled by Xiao Yu's soul, the bloodhoof's power has been restored to some extent.

"This physical body is really terrifying..." Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

The skinny demon repairer glanced at the pit not far from him, his pupils shrank.

He immediately roared: "I don't care who you are, you are just a mutilated corpse now, you can't defeat me! Ghost kills the ghost!"

Obviously, the thinner Demon Cultivator was also fighting, he roared and danced with his hands, the countless demon repair power turned into a ten-meter ghost.

This ghost image gradually solidified, wearing a large black cloak, and also holding a black light blade.

"kill him!"

Following an order from the Thin Demon Cultivator, the huge ghost's eyes flashed with a faint blood red light, and then stood in the air and flew toward the blood hoof.

Its black light sword slashed forward, forming an unusually cold glow.

This sword light was instantly submerged in the air, and the next moment—



The fascinating sword blade actually submerged on the huge blood-hoof arm, leaving a bone-visible scratch.

The skinny demon repairer smirked frantically and said, "I don't care what the leader of the ten directions you are. Now, you are just a shattered soul guy or a shattered shell!"

Immediately his eyes fell on Xiao Yu, and he frantically said, "Boy, you can't control it. Look, this is the best evidence!"

"Really?" Xiao Yu remained unmoved, his face calm.

The more he is like this, the more angry the demon repairer is.

"Baiyou cut!!"

The skinny demon repairer roared angrily, the ghost shadow's hand moved faster, and in the blink of an eye, he swung out hundreds of sharp lights and turned into a giant black light net, instantly sinking into the bloodhoof.

"Puff! Puff!"

Bloodhoof roared in pain, and was strangled by the giant net to kneel half on the ground. Its body was covered with countless shocking scratches, which looked extremely unbearable.

On the bronze skin, there is no good place, the wounds are incredibly hideous, and the blood keeps dropping.


Such a reversal makes everyone somewhat unacceptable.

They only heard the chiefs of the ten directions, the western graves, and the golden coffins.

What they didn't expect most was that this behemoth was so weak and vulnerable to a single blow.

Luo Yi in the distance looked at this situation coldly.

"Is it true? The golden coffin is not something anyone can tame, even this kid is impossible."

But then, Luo Yi's pupils suddenly shrank, obviously seeing something incredible.

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