Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1860: Daigo Empowerment (Part 2)

She finally understood why Batu was so aggressive and wanted to improve her strength so much.

It is precisely because priests cannot cultivate in the same line. The more ordinary people are, there will always be a moment of boredom after thousands of years.

Once weary, we will seek breakthroughs and will be easily influenced by the outside world.

In the world of Nine Heavens, strength is the respect, and everyone is proud of cultivation.

But when Batu couldn't practice, he knew that controlling a powerful force was to control everything. How could he resist the temptation if he was replaced by an ordinary person?

Although Batu went on the path of no return for repairing demons, and even though Batu borrowed evil ways to help improve his strength, to some extent, Xiao Yu agreed with Batu's ideas.

He himself is not a person who only promises, even looks forward and backward.

He was willing to take risks for what he wanted, even if he knew there was danger ahead, Xiao Yu would still choose to move forward.

If it weren't for Batu's enchantment, Xiao Yu might not have killed them. Of course, Batu's final ending was also pitiful. He didn't even know that he was treated as a pawn.

In fact, there is a reason why Xiao Yu said this to Qiao Wei and others.

He stared at Qiao Wei suddenly, and said: "The world of the sect is turbulent. If you really want to protect your tribe, then you should unite more now, instead of using external forces to believe in something that does not exist. If you continue to do this, maybe, it won’t be long before the genocide is waiting for you!"

The expressions of Qiao Wei and Yu Zhen changed drastically. The former quickly asked, "You...what are you talking about?"

Xiao Yu said coldly, "Do you think the demonic cultivator who appeared just now is an ordinary person? If you are really enlightened, you should know what to do."

Qiao Wei turned pale, as if thinking of something terrible.

The Southern Cloud Territory has always dealt with many demon repairers, and it can be said that most of the Southern Cloud Territory has been invaded and interfered by demon repairers over the years.

And they knew even better what kind of existence the Black Cliff Sect that the Demon Cultivator had said before.

That is another adjacent plane!

"Miss..." Yu Zhen also thought of something terrible, his face was very heavy, even with a hint of panic.

They seem to figure it out.

From the beginning of Batu's rebellion at the ritual meeting, this seems to be without warning, but is there really no warning?

After deep thought, this is not at all.

Ten years ago, when Batu's father's expression changed drastically, and he began to become radical, he had already expected such an ending.

At that time, the cultivators had invaded their minds, and they were already walking together.

It's just that the demons were too secretive, and they didn't notice it until a few years later.

Qiao Min was the only one who really noticed, but he came back and was imprisoned.

Doesn't this mean that these demons have a purpose and conspiracy?

Ten years of preparation!

How many of these groups living in the shadows do not know?

And how many groups of them are there in the sect world?

Qiao Wei now recalled what the Demon Cultivator had said. The latter said that he was the Demon Cultivator of the Black Cliff Sect, but according to what she knew, the planes of the Black Cliff Sect and the Sect World had been sealed. That's it!

And the Black Cliff Sect is another plane world recorded in ancient books thousands of years ago.

These are also legends passed down from generation to generation by her father, the suzerain of the curse school.

The demon cultivator also said that they will rule the sect world in the future.

Thinking of this, Qiao Wei finally couldn't help but shudder.

Soon she looked at the boy again.

How much does he know about the demons? Who is he?

In other words, what kind of responsibility does he bear on his shoulders?

She didn't know, and Xiao Yu obviously didn't want to say too much.

Xiao Yu knew very well in his heart that the world of the sect belongs to everyone. Only when the overall strength is improved and all the cultivators are united, can they have a greater opportunity to fight against these demons.

It is a pity that the world of Zongmen is simply a mess of sand.

Xiao Yu thought that he didn't have the ability to reach the sky to awaken them and make everyone realize that he just wanted to improve his strength.

In case before the catastrophe really comes, he at least has the strength to protect himself.

Of course, what he wants is more than just self-preservation.

"Little dragon, do it." Xiao Yu called out softly.

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