Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1861: Devouring Dragon Hub

A golden-green scale armor became more and more slender, and the little dragon evolving in the direction of the snake could no longer hold it back.

The little dragon opened his mouth and vomited, and for a while, a vortex suddenly swirled in its mouth.

And the dying dragon on the ground turned into a stream of light, and the blink of an eye was absorbed by the dragon.

Everyone in the Southern Clouds was in an uproar instantly, their expressions filled with reluctance.

It can be said that it was the patron saint who had accompanied them for thousands of years, and it was swallowed.

Of course Xiao Yu knew that Xiaolong had requirements for evolving the monster beasts it swallowed.

It really looks down on ordinary monsters.

As for Longshu, perhaps it was because of the blood of the ancient dragon clan that caused the little dragon's sympathy.

After the little dragon swallowed the dragon hub, suddenly, all of its original golden-green scales turned into a green color.

The greenish color in the scales was caused by the dragon swallowing a lot of heaven and earth elixir in Baiyao Valley.

But now it has turned completely green, a kind of vigorous vitality spontaneously, which makes people feel a powerful life force.

Seeing this strange phenomenon, Xiao Yu's heart moved.

"That's it! Heaven and earth spirit medicine contains a lot of life energy aura. Longshu is not only an ancient monster, but it has also been stimulated by the burning fire. Although it is dying, its vitality has been absorbed by the dragon."

And then, the size of the dragon was getting bigger and longer, from three meters in size to ten meters as powerful.

What's strange is that the limbs of the little dragon turned into a tiger and leopard-like body evolving like Longshu.

Xiao Yu was stunned, even though he was already familiar with it.

After all, every time Xiaolong absorbs a monster beast, he will evolve toward that monster beast's attributes.

And this time, the size of the little dragon obviously has a sense of vision evolving toward the dragon hub.

Of course, Xiao Yu still found some differences.

The dragon pivot is dominated by a tiger body, with a huge head resembling the dragon family recorded in ancient books, but its appearance is far worse.

The little dragon is different. It is still very long, showing the posture of a flood dragon, but with more developed limbs.

Who knows, the evolution of Xiaolong is not over yet.

The green scales on its body became deeper and deeper, reaching a certain level, and then turned towards the crimson.

The breath of life that was originally vigorous began to become a little hot.


Qiao Wei and the others sensed the change in Xiaolong's body, secretly surprised.

Fire attributes!

Xiao Yu immediately made a judgment in his heart.

Yes, the aura displayed by Xiaolong at this time is biased towards the direction of the fire attribute!

Of course this was what Xiao Yu expected.

Immediately afterwards, the scales of the little dragon, dark red, began to lighten, and immediately turned into a fiery red color.

Above the fiery red scales, the brilliance was shining, and it was extremely magical.

Qiao Wei and Yu Zhen, the two close to each other, felt even more incredible.

This monster beast actually has a sign of the evolution of the fire spirit beast!

It's simply amazing.

Of course, the little dragon evolved here, turned into a fiery red light, and immediately submerged in Xiao Yu's body.

Yes, Xiaolong is about to start a new round of evolution sleeping again.

"Get a good night's sleep." Xiao Yu exclaimed in his heart.

After absorbing King Jin Chan, Xiaolong helped himself too much.

Along the way, from assisting oneself to kill Ibo the Demon Cultivator, as well as defending himself in the Purple Spirit Sect, blocking the formation attack of Jiang Yu and others, trying to give himself enough time to comprehend the third round.

Now, it's time for Xiaolong to rest.

And Xiao Yu also looked forward to whether the completely evolved little dragon could reach the level of a monster beast of level 6, or even a level 7 monster?

He shook his head, his thoughts returned to reality.

Xiao Yu turned around and was about to leave, Qiao Wei's complex eyes became more intense.

She couldn't figure out if the person in front of her was the one she knew.

And what this person did in the Southern Clouds was destined to leave an impression that he would remember for a lifetime.

Of course, Xiao Yu was leaving, no one could stop him, and they had no reason to stop Xiao Yu.

But Xiao Yu took a step, but stopped, turned his head to look towards Qiao Wei, and said, "Under a certain mountain in the northwest, there is a breath of life. I have broken that formation."

Leaving this sentence, Xiao Yu left.

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