Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1862: Make a decision

Qiao Wei and others looked moved, northwest?

Yu Zhen quickly turned around and shouted: "Go, it's probably the Sect Master!"

The disciples of the Conjuration Sect immediately headed towards the northwest.

Looking at the distant back, Qiao Wei's heart is full of mixed flavors, turning the river over.

The Southern Cloud Territory’s self-reliance is the top existence among the second-rate forces, with a powerful spiritual method. Although it is not comparable to the seven sects, it is also an existence that dominates among the second-rate sect forces.

The southern cloud region is closed, but at the same time they are also proud.

But their pride was ruined under internal conflicts and civil strife.

Tangtang is a powerful region, yet it has to rely on a foreigner to rescue it.

Even so, they can't even do a little bit of effort, and can only wait to watch the "lively".

Taming the fire spirit beasts, suppressing the traitors of Batu, killing the manipulating demons behind them, everything they seemed powerless, a young man did it easily.

Qiao Wei then remembered that when she negotiated with Xiao Yu that night, she told and warned the other party to leave here if she didn't want to die.

He also said that he would go up the mountain together and help him find out the fire spirit beast.

But what?

They didn't take it as a thing at all.

Assist yourself? I'm afraid it's the right way to save myself.

"Maybe, from that time, you no longer put me in your eyes." Qiao Wei sighed faintly in her heart.

She didn't even know when her father was discovered by the other party.

A kind of powerlessness, loss, and sadness spontaneously arise.

Yu Zhen came over and seemed to see what Qiao Wei was thinking.

To be honest, for that young man, of course he had also heard of what the other party did in the outside world.

"Miss, this son is destined to be extraordinary, don't worry too much." Yu Zhen took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Maybe that kid is right, it's time for us to make some changes. I always feel that these demons have appeared. It's no coincidence."

Qiao Wei cast aside her sentimental expression and recovered her calm, her eyes very solemn.

"You're right. The Black Cliff Sect only exists in the ancient books of the ancestors. Ordinary demons, at most are shrimp soldiers and crabs, and cannot easily invade our southern cloud region."

In the world of the sect, the cultivators are like rats crossing the street, but the gang of cultivators are not the same as the cultivators from the legendary Black Cliff Sect they see today.

Those ordinary demonic cultivators, at best, just go into evil ways and go into evil ways. This is also the so-called demonic cultivator commonly known by people.

But the Black Cliff Sect is different, it is a huge force that exists in another world of 36 small heavens!

Of course they also read ancient books about things thousands of years ago.

Although it was dominated by the seven sects at the time, there were also cultivator families fighting in various places.

After that, the space crack was sealed, and the Southern Cloud Region was still harassed by the remnants of the demons. After many years of struggle, the Southern Cloud Region was truly independent and possessed its own ability to stand up.

And if the demonic cultivators from a thousand years ago reappeared again, it would be hard to imagine what kind of chaotic scenes would appear in the sect world.

Qiao Wei could not imagine.

Just like the skinny Demon Cultivator just now is already so strong, if there are more of them, can they be destroyed in the Southern Cloud Territory before turning over?

"Perhaps, what he said is right. The sect world is about to be turbulent, and we must have a sense of worry, otherwise, if this happens next time, then, waiting for us, maybe the only thing waiting for us is the extermination."

Qiao Wei's eyes suddenly glowed with fighting spirit, and said: "I want to discuss with my father to improve our overall strength in the Southern Cloud Region. Only my own strength and my belief in myself are truly powerful!"

Qiao Wei immediately looked in the direction of the shadow that had gone far away, whispering in her heart——

Xiao Yu, if there is a next time, we will definitely not let you underestimate it!


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