Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1866: I advise you not to go

At this time, all the disciples of the Black Hawk Sect behind him were all startled in surprise.

It seems that this boy does not look like an ordinary person!

Moreover, the appearance of the two even knowing each other not only surprised them.

However, Shen Cheng was in his twenties, much older than the opponent, but his eyes were full of panic and awe.

Xiao Yu asked, "After the last time, did the Clear Sky Sect embarrass you Black Hawk Sect?"

Shen Cheng finally recovered from the shock just now, took a deep breath, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, no, presumably our Black Eagle Sect cannot enter their eyes."

At that time, Yang Lifei, Shen Cheng, Wan Chen, and Zhang Shengxiang were all Yang Xuan of the Haotian School who asked him to take Lin Yao away.

Wan Chen and Yang Lifei were all killed, leaving Zhang Shengxiang from the Bloodfang Sect and Shen Cheng from the Black Hawk Sect. At that time, they were afraid that Clear Sky Sect would question them.

Fortunately, the Haotian School did not, but instead sent the stronger Jia Chen directly to the Qu family and the Lin family to make trouble.

It can be said that the Black Eagle Sect was still in fear for a while.

After all, surrendering to this young man is equivalent to forming an alliance with the Xiaoyao Sect, which is known by the Clear Sky School. This is not good!

At that time, Shen Cheng and the others even inquired, because of this, the Lin Family Patriarch was killed, and this young man actually destroyed the Qu Family, and at the same time killed the first disciple of the inner family.

It can be said that the black eagle sect was full of shocked faces at the time, and it could be described as a storm of rumors.

They are scared!

They were afraid that the Clear Sky School would find out the sect power that had something to do with Xiao Yu because of this, so how could Shen Cheng, who participated in the Qingyun Territory at the time, escape?

The fact?

The fact has appeared a kind of flip again, flipped to make the whole sect world shocked.

First, Hundred Medicine Valley, headed by Clear Sky School, returned to Xiaoyao Sect, which meant a break with Clear Sky School.

Then, it was the news that this true disciple was killed, Lu Guobin, the sword repair genius of the Clear Sky School who shook the entire Seven Sects.

And when everyone thought that the Clear Sky School was about to get angry, they suddenly died down, and there was no news.

That was a stomping, and it was enough to shake the first sect in the entire sect world!

It can be said that everyone is waiting to see the excitement, but they have no news?

And it was calm for half a year!

In his opinion, at this juncture, this young man should be hiding in Xiaoyaomen!

And why did you come here to the western part of the grave?

Whenever the enchanting young man went there, it would be enough to make a fuss about any place, he felt secretly smacked.

This time, is it possible that the goal is to fail the Western Region?

Xiao Yu certainly didn't know what Shen Cheng was thinking, and he didn't care about it either. He looked at him and asked, "Are you from the Western Region of Tomb?"

"Well, Tomb Western Region has some trouble recently, these people let us **** them away."

Xiao Yu just took a look and found that these merchants had a lot of space rings on their bodies.

There must be some treasures inside.

In this world, fist power is supreme. In addition to power, cultivation resources, exercise secrets, supernatural powers, or some weird things are enough to attract the attention of these practitioners.

There have always been a large number of people in the Western Regions of Tombs who have come here to trade on the black market. Naturally, there is something precious.

Regardless of these treasures or cultivation resources, they may have great attraction to a third-rate sect like Shen Cheng, but to Xiao Yu, they have no attraction at all.

He wants exercises and exercises, weapons and weapons, and now there is a Valley of Hundred Medicines behind him. It can be said that improving his strength now is just a matter of course.

Shen Cheng suddenly asked solemnly: "Are you going to the Western Region of the Tomb?"


"I advise you not to go."

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