Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1867: Internal strife

Seeing Shen Cheng's dignified appearance, Xiao Yu frowned and said, "I was just about to ask you. Look at a few of them. They seem to be running away. Is it necessary to ask you to **** you?"

Shen Cheng is the true disciple of the Black Eagle Sect, the strength of the human spirit realm Xiaocheng.

The Black Eagle Sect is always stronger than Zhang Shengxiang's Bloodfang Sect in the third-rate power, and is one of the best.

And to be able to invite a master of the three-day realm to escort, there are still more than a dozen disciples, this posture is definitely less than half the number of Black Hawk Sect.

Shen Cheng solemnly said: "It is because we are running away, so we are invited. And these guys have something to do with some second-rate sects, and those second-rate sects commissioned us to **** them back."

"What happened inside?" Xiao Yu had a bad premonition.

Shen Cheng said directly: "I don't know much. I only know that the two big families in the Western Region of the Tomb, the Ji family and the You family are fighting, and they are fighting fiercely. Except for the people in the local region of the Western Region, everyone else left there one after another. For fear of being affected."

"What is your family? Isn't the family of the master of the Western Regions Ji family?"

"It's not bad for the Ji family. This You family is a century-old family and has always coveted the position of the domain master. Six months ago, after hearing that the master of the Western Region was seriously injured, the You family, who was ready to provoke discord, incited rebellion, and also attracted the outside world. The strength, but it’s just a small fight, not a big fight."

Shen Cheng continued: "Behind the grave, the Western Territory Lord seems to say that he is in retreat. You family can't wait, so they started recruiting soldiers and buying horses. It is said that in the recent period, they are preparing to attack the Ji family. All these people are afraid of affecting themselves, all It is a retreat."

Hearing this, Xiao Yu's astonishment became more intense.

"Could it be the family matter that Brother Ji said, because of this?"

"This You family did not choose to attack when Brother Ji's father was injured. Could it be because he was afraid of their golden coffin? And now, can't wait?"

Xiao Yu suddenly recalled the conversation between Ji Yining and his sister Ji Qingshan in the inn room at that time.

"They said at the time that if someone knew that they had the corpse of the blood hoof, it would have been destroyed. Is it possible that the You family knew about the blood hoof and the real purpose was Brother Ji's golden coffin?"

But the golden coffin is on his body!

The more Xiao Yu thought about it, the more he was surprised, and then asked, "What about the Tomb Western Region now? Where is the Ji family?"

"I don't know the specifics, but many people in the Western Region of the Tomb are already in trepidation. If it is really like the rumors, then the Ji family may be in trouble." Shen Cheng said.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Be careful yourself."

Leaving this sentence, Xiao Yu was about to leave, while Shen Cheng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly said, "Fenxi Region is experiencing severe internal disturbances, and other forces have stepped in. If you go, isn't it just to die?"

"There are my friends in there, I have to go."

Xiao Yu didn't want to explain too much, so Ji Yining took the risk to hand over the key golden coffin to himself.

It is true that it is undeniable that he was doing this to obtain the Rejuvenation Pill to save his father's life.

And if the golden coffin is handed over, the Western Region of the Tomb will fall into a dead end. Ji Yining's father knows that he will definitely not let him do this.

On the other hand, isn't Ji Yining willing to help Xiao Yu with Bloodhoof?

In any case, Ji Yining can't deceive herself about her affection.

Not to mention returning the bloodhoof, now that my friend is in trouble, Xiao Yu is not letting him go to help.

Just when Xiao Yu was about to speed up his body skills and scavenge, suddenly there were several wind breaking noises in the air, Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and suddenly he stopped leaving.

After a long while, several figures came over.

"Hehe, children of the Black Hawk Sect, where are you going!"

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