Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1868: You Rong

"Not good!" Shen Cheng's expression changed drastically, and he immediately rushed to the place of his senior brother, watching the seven or eight people vigilantly.

These seven or eight people were all dressed in black robes. The one headed by them was very tall, with a face full of flesh and blood in his eyes, as if his hands were stained with blood all the year round.

Seeing the man in the lead, the merchants paled with fright.

" are the guard captain of the You family, You Rong who is known as the butcher!!!" One of the merchants was frightened and trembled all over.


You Rong took a step and sneered: "Since you know my name, then you dare to escape?"

Immediately he yelled: "Have you forgotten, when you traded in the Western Regions of my grave, who protected you well? Now it is considered to be crossing the river to demolish the bridge?"

When Shen Cheng saw You Rong, his face was very solemn.

This You Rong has actually reached the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm!

Such strength really makes them feel solemn.

"You Rong, we have already given half of the things to your family, you...what else do you want?" the other merchant said palely.


You Rong raised his brows, and immediately smiled: "You are also a thing? A few fourth-grade spirit pills, a few bad middle-grade spirit weapons, and a little mysterious power, do you want to send us away?"

As soon as these words came out, the face of the brother Shen Cheng and Yiqian was very shaken.

Fourth-rank spirit pills, middle-rank spirit tools, and profound-rank supernatural powers are already a great treasure for the fourth realm of pill formation.

Naturally, the Black Eagle Sect is a third-rate sect. For them, these are a very precious cultivation resource!

But this person actually seemed dissatisfied!

The merchants were so coldly shouted that there was no blood on their faces.

You Rong snorted coldly, staring at the middle-aged man with a pale face and said: "I know that you have a high-grade spiritual weapon on your body."

"And I also inquired that one of you has supernatural powers of the land, and even the fifth-grade spirit pill, right? Hand it in obediently."

You Rong's words, it was like a bandit who robbed the house, he was rampant and overbearing.

He almost said it in a condescending tone.

Obviously, the strength of his spiritual realm peak was enough to overwhelm anyone living in the field.

But after Shen Cheng heard this, his face changed drastically.

They were commissioned by second-rate sects to **** these merchants to those sects.

At first they were also surprised, these are ordinary people, do they need to be escorted like this?

Knowing that you came to the Western Region of the Tomb, they mistakenly thought that these merchants wanted to escape the internal struggles of the Western Region of the Tomb, and they paid a high price to invite them.

But they were wrong. They never thought that these people should have such treasures!

If they had known in advance, maybe they would have killed others too.

You should know that, except for the seven sects and a few second-rate sects, the five-grade spirit pill is a cultivation elixir that many sect powers in the three-day realm are pursuing.

As for the supernatural powers of the land, it goes without saying that the seven sects are rarely seen.

And that high-grade spirit weapon.

These items are all very attractive things for the three-day realm!

It is hard to imagine that these people actually possess such treasures, and it is no wonder that You Rong will chase here.

You Rong glanced at the shocking Shen Cheng and others with disdain, and sneered: "Things that do not live or die, you probably don't know that they have this kind of treasure. Now that you leave this trip, I can treat it as nothing happened. Otherwise, you will die!"

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