Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1893: informer

After a while, in the corner, a person walked out. This was the appearance of a young man, with a handsome look and a spirited attitude.

But this person's eyes were very gloomy and cold, and when he raised his head, the unwillingness in his eyes was particularly strong.

If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize this person. This person would be the Young Patriarch of the Zhong family in the Blue Spirit Realm, and the alchemy genius Zhong Xiajie who won the first prize in the so-called alchemy conference in Baiyao Valley.

Even after half a year, the clock Xia Jie still did not recover from the scene that day.

Their Zhong family is such a high-status existence in Bi Lingyu, and as the Young Patriarch, although he has no cultivation base, he is also a genius alchemist.

However, because of that boy's intrusion, all his future was shattered.

His grandfather was killed, but the Zhong family can only tolerate it because of the other's background. They can only pin their hopes on Zhong Xiajie, and let Zhong Xiajie win the top spot in the alchemy meeting of Baiyao Valley, so that they can borrow Baiyao Gu's connections and strength killed the kid.

Because Zhong Xiajie knew that Hundred Medicine Valley was backed by the Haotian School, and only if he had a position and was identified as a key training disciple in Hundred Medicine Valley, Hundred Medicine Valley would help them.

But he seems to be wrong.

Just when he was hesitating to be satisfied, full of spirits, and ready to become a new generation of genius alchemist in Baiyaogu, that person appeared again.

And in the end, with his own power, half of the Hundred Medicine Valley was destroyed, and the formation of Hundred Medicine Valley was helpless against him.

The final result?

Naturally, Baiyao Valley was headed by that young man and surrendered to Xiaoyao Sect.

At that time Zhong Xiajie was hit like five thunders.

His grandfather was killed and all hopes of revenge were dashed.

And later, all the elders of Baiyao Valley actually properly posted to the young man, and there were also elders who warned him afterwards that he could no longer seek revenge from that man.

How uncomfortable was Zhong Xiajie at that time?

He was frustrated and didn't want to stay in Baiyao Valley anymore. Just as he was about to leave that day, he discovered a big secret on the back mountain.

That is the golden coffin of the western part of the grave, which was tamed by this young man!

The Ji family of the Tomb Western Region can urge the corpses in the coffin to fight, which is something the entire sect world knows.

This is also the reason why the Tomb West Region has been low-key, because those second-rate, even Qizongmen will not easily move them.

But at that time, a young domain master from the Western Region of the Tomb actually gave the strongest golden coffin to the kid. Such an incredible thing might be shocked by outsiders knowing about it.

When the clock Xia Jie knew about it, but he was helpless. This incident may be shocking to him, but what about it?

But later, when he traveled outside, he inadvertently inquired that the You Family in the Western Region of Tomb seemed to unite with the Blood Refining Sect to deal with the Ji Family.

At that time, he had an idea in his mind.

The number of golden coffins in the Western Region of the Tomb is very small, and I have heard that the domain owner owns it over the years.

Isn’t it weird that the golden coffin appeared elsewhere and was tamed by others?

Zhong Xiajie further guessed that the golden coffin is comparable to the strength of the creation realm!

If he tells You Family about the news, will they help themselves get revenge?

In this way, Zhong Xiajie told You Jia about this matter.

At that time, it was half a year ago, and because of this, the You family also began to force the Ji family.

Zhong Xiajie stood up, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Yes, it has been given by Xiao Yu, and the golden coffin at the time was a monster with a bull's head."

"Chief Bullhead!!" The master in the whole hall shook in an instant.

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