Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1894: You Jia's Mind

It turned out that when Clock Xia Jie came to You's house to inform them, they were dubious.

The golden coffin is very important, they have coveted so much for so many years, and they want to get it.

However, with You Family's combat power, it would be absolutely impossible to resist the Ji Family.

The ancestors of the You family all died in regret.

They thought to themselves, if the Ji family did not have a golden coffin, would the Tomb West Region be theirs You family's world?

Could the graves that the Ji family owns belong to their You family?

And all of this, with the passage of time, made their thoughts stronger.

Half a year ago, You Jia knew that it was impossible to fight the Ji Family with his own abilities, and then joined the Blood Refining Sect.

At exactly this time, Tianzhu and the others, You Jiaye, Ji Yunzhuo felt that the enemy was present, and he closed the deadlock, broke through forcibly, and then went crazy and almost died.

Naturally, You Jia's footsteps became more pressing.

Who knew that a month later, Zhong Xiajie actually came to inform, and also said that Ji Yining went to Baiyao Valley to seek pill, and the golden coffin was obtained by others. This let You Jia know that their opportunity was really here.

Regarding the golden coffin, although they are determined to get it, in fact, they care more about the coffin in the tomb that has not been excavated, and this tomb is in the hands of the Ji family.

Even if Ji Yining didn't say anything, they guessed that the golden coffin must have been exchanged for a sixth-rank spirit pill, and then it was to be swallowed by Ji Yunzhuo.

Now that the Ji family has lost its golden coffin, and Ji Yunzhuo is in retreat again, isn't it because their family has the dominant power?

Therefore, before the first half of the year, they were already preparing to launch the Thunder attack, but because of one incident, they died down again, or put their pace on hold.

That's why, in addition to the newly excavated golden coffins, the Ji family also received five silver coffins at the same time!


That is the equivalent of five masters in the three-day realm!

Although they are familiar with the Ji family's overall strength, they have five more silver coffins for no reason, which makes You family uneasy.

The You Family and the Ji Family have been in peace in the Western Regions of the Tomb. They are also two big families, and they know the situation of the Ji Family best.

In the past, not to mention silver coffins, even bronze coffins, it took a long time to discover and excavate, and they were discovered one by one.

Otherwise, how can two golden coffins appear in the Ji family's hundreds of years of history?

Ji Yining's golden coffin was only recently excavated.

This reminded them of the fact that the five silver coffins were discovered together with the golden coffins?

If this is the case, will there be more coffins under the grave?

Starting half a year ago, their goals have shifted.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. They were thinking, will there be a bigger secret under the grave?

And this secret, does it have something to do with Ji Yining's attitude that he would rather not quit the Tomb Western Region when he died, and also show a kind of attitude toward death?

Because of this, they have been procrastinating for half a year.

In half a year, let them confirm one thing, there must be some secret in the tomb!

And this Chief Bull Head, to the people of the Western Regions, especially You Family, is the legendary leader of the Ten Fang Land!

"It is said that during the peak period of Chief Bull Head, there were guards over a thousand, will it..." You Bao said, his eyes bursting with bright light.

The whole You family all showed a greedy color.

"Of course, this is just our guess, but in three days, the answer will be announced soon!" You Yuan's eyes narrowed, and a flash of light flashed.

At this moment, a voice rang from outside the door——

"The Sect Master of Blood Refining is here!"

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