Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1899: The ghost of Luo Xi brothers

Brother Luo Xi frowned and looked at You Yuan and the three of them in confusion.

The three of You Yuan immediately said what they had discussed about the leader of the ten directions and thousands of guards.

After Luo Xi brothers listened, their eyes were filled with a strange color.

"If this is true, then this matter can be determined in all likelihood." Luo Xi said lightly.

You Yuan and the three of them looked at each other again, and there seemed to be a solemn expression in their eyes.

"How can they know the thousands of lifeless things in the Ji family's grave?"

Thousands of life-deaths, if they guessed well just now, it might be thousands of coffins!

However, they are only guessing from the coffin of Chief Bull Head, and they have not been completely certain.

But what about Brother Luo Xi? But it seems to know in advance.

But they thought of the only possibility, could it be those magicians with great powers! ?

Luo Yi glanced at it and said indifferently: "You don't need to know how we know. My eldest brother and I came here to tell you this. Now as long as we are sure, it will do."

Luo Xi left a sentence and said: "In two days, our Blood Refining Sect will be waiting outside the Western Region of the Tomb. At that time, let them hand over all the coffins obediently, otherwise they will kill them without mercy!"

After the Luo Xi brothers left, the three of You Yuan were not excited because they had determined that the thousand coffins were in Ji's house. Instead, they appeared a little worried.

"Uncle, what do you think?" You Yuan looked at You Zheng.

You Zheng's eyes were uncertain, and said: "I always feel that they... seem to have another purpose."

You Bao frowned and said, "Isn't their purpose clear from the beginning? It was to use the Ji family's coffin to improve our overall strength. Now, there are a thousand more coffins. This is for them and us. That is naturally a good thing."

You Yuan pondered. He seemed to have something in his mind, but he seemed to be unable to catch it.

Although they were willing to play this game desperately, they were a little upset because of the last few words of Brother Luo Xi.

"Will they harm us?" You Yuan asked.

You Zheng frowned, his eyes narrowed, and said: "There is no doubt that they are trying to use our power to force the Ji family. But why don't we use their power? And the thousands of coffins can be controlled by the Ji family. Our You family can also, because we are all descendants of the ancient continent, plus..."

"They are definitely weak now. Maybe the sect world has their shadow. Maybe it is really like what Luo Xi brothers said. The sect world will soon be turbulent. What we have to do is to cooperate with them. At the same time, we must have the power to protect ourselves. The blood of our You Family is our power to protect ourselves!" You Yuan said confidently.

After all, there was a sense of pride in the three eyes.

What the Ji family can do, their Yu family can also do, even better than the Ji family, and this time, it is an opportunity.

"After those two days, Abao and I set off to negotiate with Ji's house." You Zheng said.

"Huh! Uncle and I are here, even if Ji Yunzhuo is really ordered to leave, we are not afraid! What's more, brothers and brother Luo Xi are still outside, I don't believe they will not compromise this time!"


After the Luo Xi brothers left your home, they headed towards the Blood Refining Sect.

"Unexpectedly, there are such innocent people in the world. You Jia did not know what happened this time when we made wedding dresses for us." Luo Yi sneered.

Luo Xi said indifferently: "You's family is still useful. Their bloodline secrets are not allowed to be underestimated. Of course, they think they can cooperate with us equally, but don't know, they look at themselves highly."

At this moment, Luo Yi's eyes also seemed to flash with a strange light, and said: "Hehe, I was thinking, they must think that the only ones who can activate and control the coffin are Ji family and their family, but they are wrong. Up."

Then Luo Yi's expression changed to indifferent, and said: "The only variable now is that kid."

Luo Xi stepped forward, his eyes filled with Senhan's murderous intent, and said: "It's okay, if he comes, we will solve it together, so that we can still make great contributions, and I also want to see, this kid, does he have How can it be."

After all, the two brothers just looted.


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