Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1900: Day of negotiation

On that day, Ji Yining convened all the strong members of the family and told them about the retreat.

The whole Ji family was shaking up and down, but Gu Zhou, Li Wei and the others didn't say a word.

Even though Xiao Yu told them the night before that they didn't have to go, they regarded it as a futile effort.

Ji Yining has a strong desire to die, and no one can persuade him anyway.

In particular, there were spies who came to report that many people had come to your family during the day, but they left soon. It seemed that they were the people from the blood refining sect.

This time, Ji Yining's heart became more gloomy, and the whole Ji family was enveloped by a gloom.

At the same time, this also made Ji Yining more determined that all members of the tribe must leave, and he will do the negotiations alone in two days.

Talking about negotiations, it is actually a showdown with Youjia, Ji Yining goes to death.

Gu Zhou, Li Wei and others who knew what they really wanted were very heavy.

Half a year ago, the blood refining sect united with the You family was only a rumor, because no one had ever seen a blood refining sect come to the Western Regions, and the Ji family guards were also very tight.

But the Ji family is different now, the blood refining sect master, the two masters have come, blatantly, who dares to stop?

Is this not enough?

You family is really uniting the blood refining sect!

As a result, while Ji Yunzhuo is still in retreat, more than half of the masters of the Ji family have already taken refuge in You family. Can they still have a solution?

In two days, Ji Yining couldn't put everyone's life on his father's exit.

In addition, even if Ji Yunzhuo leaves the customs, Ji Yining still feels that it is almost difficult to fight You Family and the Blood Refining Sect. What's more, he also guessed that behind them, maybe there are forces they don't know?

Originally Ji Yining was already discouraged, but now, everything is dead.

In the absence of the domain owner, Ji Yining, who is the young domain owner, takes charge of everything.

Now that he has decided, who can persuade them?

Within two days, the Ji family began to clean up, and they left the Ji family to gather dozens of miles away from the western part of the grave.

And this matter was also known to the You Family. Surprisingly, You Family did not stop them at all, and even allowed them to leave.

Your family's purpose is a tomb, the thousand coffins that are almost certain to exist. The departure of the Ji family does not mean that Ji Yining has begun to compromise and arrange for people to leave one after another?

The grave is in the hands of the Ji family, and they can’t take it away, so why bother to kill the people of the Ji family?

Of course, they never thought that Ji Yining was actually going to burn with the tomb and jade. If they knew, they would definitely threaten Ji Yining with the lives of Ji's family.

Unfortunately, in Ji Yining's view, by the time You Jia reacted, everything was already too late.

Two days' time was over soon. All the members of the Ji family had moved away, and the guardians like Li Wei who guarded the tomb had a mission to protect the tomb. They naturally stayed to fight alongside Ji Yining.

Another person, after Gu Zhou escorted everyone in the Ji family away, was uneasy, and finally returned to join Ji Yining and the others.

Above the Ji family mansion, Ji Yining looked at these people who had not left, and sighed: "Why do you both?"

Gu Zhou said solemnly: "I am a member of the Ji family when I am born, and death is also a ghost of the Ji family. In any case, I will stay and fight with the young master!"

Li Wei and the others nodded their heads, and their desire to die was particularly strong.

Ji Yining was moved and said, "Bo Zhou, Brother Li Dawei, I'm sorry for you."

At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded--

"It's so touching! Ji Yining, today is the last day, have you made a decision?"

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