Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1905: Have you asked me

Everyone in the Ji family retreated to a secret place in the past two days, and that place was what they called the Xiaopoling.

You Zheng sneered: "Do you really think that we will do nothing in the past two days and let you leave? We just want you to relax your guard."

Li Wei said angrily: "Despicable! You guys have been monitoring us!"

"Despicable? Your Ji family and our You family have been like enemies and friends for so many years. Don't you think we have not guarded you? How dare we come to negotiate with you without complete preparation?" You Zheng sneered Endless.

Ji Yining's face was very ugly. They thought that their retreat plan would be completely lost, but they ignored You Jia's determination.

If there are people who are mindful and unintentional, paper can't hold fire.

So many people in the Ji family retreated, and they went out in the western part of the grave, how could it not attract their attention?

Ji Yining can die by himself, but there is still his own sister there, as well as many children of the Ji family!

The faces of Gu Zhou and others were flushed, and they gritted their teeth with hatred.

"You Zheng, what do you want!? They are all innocent!"

You Zheng said coldly: "Our purpose has always been clear. It's only you who think about it."

Immediately he looked at Ji Yining, and said: "If you want them to be buried with you, then you can destroy the tomb."

You Bao agreed with a sneer: "Or, the man will be killed, and the woman will be our slave. I know that Ji Qingshan's little girl looks pretty good, just a bit pungent."

Ji Yining flushed, and said furiously: "Dare you!?"

"Why don't I dare!?"

You Bao seemed to sternly said in a smashing tone: "The tomb is destroyed, our big deal is a failure, but the western region of the grave is ours! But your Ji family has disappeared from now on! At that time, how will you tell you? The ancestors confessed!?"


Gu Zhou and others trembled all over, it was caused by anger.

Everyone in the You family looked at people who looked like fish, their eyes darkened and cold.

"Ji Yining, are you going to ignore the life and death of your tribe because of your own selfishness?" You Hang stared at Ji Yining again.

Ji Yining's eyes suddenly dimmed, and his whole body seemed weak, as if he was ready to compromise.

Yes! Destroying the tomb with one's own life, although it protects the pride of the Ji family, and prevents the coffin from falling into the hands of those with a heart, but what if even your own people can't protect it? Does your sacrifice make sense?

He sacrificed his life, and what he wanted in exchange for was the safety of his people?

And if the tomb is destroyed and everyone is killed because of it, then what he has done, even if it seems to himself, is just a joke.

"Young Domain Master!" Li Wei and others called softly, obviously they all felt heartache because of Ji Yining's current situation.

"Young domain master! Don't listen to them. With the character of the You family, they will definitely cut the roots! They will never allow the people of the Ji family to survive in this world, because if they get the coffin, they are afraid of being affected by the Ji family. !" Gu Zhou said quickly.

Ji Yining trembled all over, staring at Youzheng them again.

The Ji family who can control the coffin, of course, the You family may also possess some kind of bloodline secret method.

But if the people of the Ji family were allowed to stay, wouldn't it be a threat to the You family in the future?

You stunned and said: "I can promise to let you go, but I will abolish all of them."

If the cultivation base is abolished, it is equivalent to ordinary people, so they can't threaten your family.

Ji Yining took a deep breath, his face became more tired, and he looked exhausted.


"You want a grave, have you asked me."

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