Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1906: I want to kill!

At this moment, I don't know where to start. From the inner hall, a boy of 18 or 9 years old suddenly appeared.

The young man looked tall and straight, with a handsome demeanor, and his robes and robes showed a temperament and extraordinary incompatibility with the western part of the grave.

As soon as this person appeared, Ji Yining and others' expressions changed.

"Why are you not here!?"

Originally thought Ji Yining was about to agree, who knew that the appearance of this teenager immediately disrupted their plans.

Both You Hang and You Bao's expressions sank, staring at Xiao Yu.

You Bao's eyes were startled and suspicious, but You Zheng was still calm. The latter said in a deep voice, "You are Xiao Yu, right?"

Yes, this boy, who is not Xiao Yu?

With his hands on his back, Xiao Yu walked from the inner hall to Ji Yining and the others, and said indifferently: "It seems that I am indeed very popular! Even you all know me."

"Boy, it really is you!!" You Bao was taken aback.

They guessed at the time that after Xiao Yu's tour from the Southern Clouds, he would probably come to Ji's house to help them, but they didn't expect to show up!

But You Bao's face was soon full of murderous intent.

What if this kid shows up? The internal conflicts in the Western Region of the Tomb were only known to the interior of the Western Region. They had already blocked the news.

In other words, this kid came alone, without the backing of Xiaoyaomen.

And they, as well as the blood refining sect, and the "those" who are helping secretly, how can they be afraid?

"Xiao Yu! Didn't I let you leave? Hurry up!" Ji Yining said anxiously while pulling Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu glanced at it and said indifferently, "If you consider me a friend, then leave it to me."


Xiao Yu exquisitely walked to Ji Yining, ten meters away, You Zang and others confronted each other, and said: "The grave will not be handed over to you. You die."


You Bao laughed three times angrily and said, "Xiao Yu, I have heard about you, why? Do you want to stop us by your own strength? What do you think you are!? Now you get out of here! We! You don’t have to kill you, otherwise, even if you are a true disciple of Xiaoyaomen, even if you have such powerful rumors from the outside world, in our few good fortune realms, you have only a place to die without burial!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent, and he said in a bird's-eye attitude: "You are a great achievement in the heavenly realm, but you are also speaking wild words in front of me?"

"I..." You Bao was furious.

Xiao Yu then sneered: "A Sect Master of the Blood Refining Sect, plus the Patriarch of your You Family, and the Demon Cultivator behind him, do you want us to compromise?"

"You... how do you know..."

You You and You Bao were shocked. Only masters in the You family knew about the demons, but how could this boy know?

But Ji Yining and their faces changed wildly.

"Xiao Yu, what are you talking about? They...they cooperate with the Demon Cultivator?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't tell you before. I didn't want to increase your pressure. The power behind them is the remnants of the Black Cliff Sect from the Black Cliff world thousands of years ago."


Ji Yining and others suddenly rumbling in their minds, Black Cliff Sect! That is recorded in ancient books, a representative of evil a thousand years ago!

"Aren't they sealed? How come..." Gu Zhou's face was pale.

He naturally heard from his ancestors the horror and cruelty of the demons, but who knew that they still had remnants?

Xiao Yu shook his head. Sure enough, the Black Cliff Sect's demonic cultivator would cause a lot of shock if ordinary people knew it.

Xiao Yu simply explained: "All you need to know is that there are two types of demonic cultivators in the sect world, one is casual cultivator and the other is the remnant of the Black Cliff Sect. The former is insignificant, and the key is these Black Cliffs I am afraid that the remnants of the sect have penetrated into many forces in the sect world."

"How could it be..." Ji Yining and the others were stunned. Then, he suddenly realized and exclaimed: "Then their purpose is to use the thousand coffins of the tomb to disrupt the world of the sect. order!?"


You Hang and You Bao's attitudes changed drastically. Yes, they only knew that they were united with the Blood Refining Sect and the Demon Cultivator, but they didn't think of such a long-term vision at all!

"That's it! They want to borrow our hands to get a thousand grave coffins!"

You You and You Bao looked at each other and saw the anger in their eyes.

They didn't know why Luo Xi brothers told them about the thousand coffins. Now they understand a little bit.

But this is not the key. The key is that if a thousand grave coffins fall into the hands of your family, then they have absolute dominance!

When the time comes, do I still need to listen to the words of Brother Luo Xi and those demons?

The top priority is to get the grave!

The two men's eyes showed murderous intent, and their momentum suddenly rose.

"Boy, it seems that you know quite a lot. I heard that you have the chief bull head coffin on you. Why don't you take it out and let us leave you a way out?" You Zheng's eyes were shot with glaucoma, killing intent like an invisible blade Forced over on the spot.

Xiao Yu carried his hands on his back, smiled contemptuously, and said, "Chief Bullhead? You cats and dogs are also eligible to see? You kill me."


"I really don't know the height of the sky, if that's the case... Leopard, kill him together!" You Jiang's eyes suddenly drenched, the cold light flashed, and then he yelled, and You Bao, who had already brewed his momentum, rushed over .

This decisive attitude is like a thunderstorm.

Ji Yining and their faces changed drastically. Gu Zhou and the others were about to step forward to help, but Xiao Yu turned slightly, energetic and chilling, and said: "You protect Brother Ji, today, I want to kill!"

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