Shura God Emperor

Chapter 191: Domineering punch

Shao Lin's face was very cold.

Others may not feel it too deeply, but he can feel it. This kind of breath contains an extremely strong physical breath, and at the same time it contains a very terrifying savage breath.

This was definitely not from the monster beast on the bottom of the sea. The only explanation was Xiao Yu!

"Brother Shao Lin..." Someone began to worry.

Shao Lin sneered and said: "It seems that he has mastered it ingeniously. Under the water, all spiritual moves are useless. Instead, he uses physical force to fight. But don't forget, the river bottom, but the third level. Monster beast, Xiao Yu, no matter how good he is, it is impossible to kill it. Let's watch it."

Go back to the bottom of the river.

Xiao Yu's breath of barbaric power broke out, and even he himself felt that his limbs and his hundred skeletons were full of unmatched power.

"The bully body, there really is a barbaric kind of bull."

Xiao Yu gave a long roar and clenched his fists. In an instant, the power of the physical body quickly transformed into the rudiment of Tianhuang's divine power.

During the transformation period, Xiao Yu was only able to use the Heavenly Desolate Divine Power in this way. Although it was not a true Heavenly Desolate Divine Power, it was definitely much stronger than the previous Wolf Demon's cultivation power.


With a punch, a wild and bullish aura spread out.

The silver-scale giant python obviously felt the terrible breath of Xiao Yu's fist, and it immediately hissed, and a silver light suddenly condensed in its mouth, and then shot Xiao Yu sharply.


Under the water, the silver light bursts out, very gorgeous, but it contains a cold breath in it.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu yelled in his heart and blasted out with a fist, like breaking a bamboo, like riding the wind and waves. This fist directly broke the silver-scaled python's offensive, and finally the fist directly hit the silver-scaled python's head.


The antlers of the silver scale giant python were broken by Xiao Yu, and his body was directly blasted back several tens of meters.

Xiao Yu was astonished in his heart, it was indeed a domineering physical power!

You know, under the river bottom, Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness is limited, but this does not hinder the terrifying and powerful Wild Bull Tyrant Body.

If this is placed on land, this punch can definitely kill the Dzogchen at the converging state!


The silver-scale giant python was furious when one of the antlers was broken. It turned out to be a low growl like a dragon's roar, and then the whole body of silver light burst out.

Sen Leng's aura immediately diffused out, and the entire river bottom was flooded with silver light. The cold killing intent directly enveloped Xiao Yu's whole person.

This silver scale giant python is going to be real!


Everyone was already far away from this river and the dam, because under the river bottom, there was a silver light shining, and the cold breath escaped directly.

The people in the room all felt a kind of creepy, so this monster is going to show off?

Shao Lin's gang looked very good. They had already heard from the queen before they came. Under the river was a monster beast that turned into a flood, very powerful.

If this really broke out, Xiao Yu would definitely die!

Xiao Wencheng's old face was very worried, and prayed for Xiao Yu in his heart.

Under the river bottom, after the flash of silver light, Xiao Yu suddenly discovered that a silver unicorn had grown on the forehead of this silver scale giant python.


Hearing only a faint vibration, the single horn of the silver scale giant python made a faint vibration, and then its entire body turned into a silver cold light, which directly shot Xiao Yu. come.

This silver cold light is like a meteor falling from the sky, and the speed is like thunder and lightning, full of killing intent.

Xiao Yu knew that this silver scale giant python was going to kill him! This is its strongest move.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and gritted his teeth. All of his physical strength was mobilized, and then quickly transformed.

His fist came out, and the power of the khaki flesh gleamed, and he roared in his heart: "Break me!"


The strength of the body full of flesh, coordinated with the fist, directly blasted out.

A shocking scene appeared, and the river was split into two halves by this terrifying breath of power. Xiao Yu's fist, with a muffled thunder and rolling sound, exploded in an instant, and directly greeted him...

Go back outside.

Everyone saw that the silver light suddenly turned into a very silver lightning blasting towards one end, very fast.

However, on the other side, where the silver lasing was shot, a terrifying aura of power erupted, and the river water was directly divided into two halves, as if the river water had been separated because of the strong momentum.

Everyone, including Shao Lin and others, showed an expression of horror on their faces.

"how is this possible!?"

How powerful is this to cause the huge river of thousands of meters to be split in half?

They didn't know, all they knew was that the next moment, with a loud bang, the river suddenly exploded, and the water splashed out hundreds of meters, and then a column of water rose into the sky again, connecting dozens of lines. Mi's huge shadow was blown away.

Everyone outside the dam, their pupils shrank suddenly...

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