Shura God Emperor

Chapter 192: Finally started

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that the shadow turned out to be a silver-white snake-shaped monster beast. The snake-shaped monster beast was smashed out and fell heavily to the ground.

Where did the civilians in those counties have seen such a behemoth, and they were all frightened at this moment.

And when they saw the snake-shaped monster beast clearly, their faces were pale, unbelievable.

The silver scale giant python was wounded all over, and it was already dead at this time, and it was still on the ground.

"This is the monster beast at the bottom of the river?"

"What a terrible monster! It turned out to be a monster!"

But soon, because the silver scale giant python was no longer in the river, it was calm and the river slowly faded.

The civilians in the counties and counties on the shore jumped for joy, and Xiao Wencheng also had an old face, thinking to himself that this monster is dead, then Xiao Yu must be fine.

However, what none of them knew was that Shao Lin's face was very ugly, even ugly to the extreme.

The group of them had no idea that Xiao Yu actually killed the silver scale giant python! And also killed so thoroughly!

This had to make them execute another plan!

Shao Lin winked at the four of them behind him, and then swiftly swept across the river in front of him, and the remaining three followed suit.

The four are directly into the water.

Soon someone noticed the movement of the pedestrian from the capital.

"What are they doing?"

"Didn't the monster beasts get rid of it? Why are they still in the water?"

"No! Only four people went down, and four others did not go down."

However, when Xiao Wencheng saw their movements, his face suddenly changed...

They are going to kill Xiao Yu!

"Little feather!"

Xiao Wencheng's expression was horrified, and he rushed over immediately, but how could he be an ordinary person with their speed?

After a while, everyone saw Shao Lin taking three people into the water, and then the four of them were standing directly on the sea!

These ordinary people were in an uproar, and they naturally knew that this must be an ability of cultivators.

The soles of these four people's feet all have spiritual power fluctuating, preventing them from falling into the water.

But the four of them stood at four corners, and the range was a full 500 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the four people formed seals at the same time, and then pointed their swords downwards.

The four white lights suddenly shot into the low water of the river.

After solving the silver scale giant python, Xiao Yu also slightly recovered his breath and was about to break out of the water, but who knew that the four figures had come down directly, and it was Shao Lin and three others.

Xiao Yu's expression sank instantly. It seemed that the one who should have come was still coming. He didn't look surprised at all, but he didn't expect to face this group of people so soon.

"Xiao Yu, I got into the water, why not play for a while?" Shao Lin said with a smile.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "Do you mean to tell me to kill you in the water?"


Shao Lin laughed three times and said: "Xiao Yu, I really didn't expect you to be so optimistic. Now that we are down, do you think you still have a chance to leave?"

"Really? Then I have to take a look." Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, preparing to gather strength and fight with them.

Who knows, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that there were four more breaths above the river, standing in four directions, and after a while, the bottom of the river suddenly fluctuated, Xiao Yu actually felt that he seemed to be The square cage surrounded it...

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