Shura God Emperor

Chapter 193: Water enchantment

"It's a barrier!"

The killing intent in Xiao Yu's eyes rose, and Shao Lin's gang had a total of eight people. In other words, the fluctuation just now was caused by four other people imposing barriers on it, which trapped Xiao Yu at the bottom of the river. , Of course, there are Shao Lin and his partners four people.


Shao Lin laughed and said: "Xiao Yu, you really are a genius in formation! Soul perception is so sensitive, yes, you are right, now we are all in a cage called'water enchantment', but we and You are different, we are the beneficiaries of this barrier."

Xiao Yu didn't understand what he was talking about, but his intuition told him that in the barrier of this water area, he felt restricted and imprisoned, which was very uncomfortable.

"It turns out that this so-called water enchantment is a formation."

"Hahaha! It seems that you are not stupid, yes, the advantage of this formation is that it can increase the combat power of our water system by 30%. You only know where the 30% of the power comes from. Are you here? Let me feel it now!"

Shao Lin said hello, and the three people behind him swept up. They all had water-repellent beads on their bodies, so they could walk freely under the water.

But unlike Xiao Yu, because whoever is always playing, his actions were originally restricted to some extent.

But these people walked as freely as they were on land. He guessed that this was probably because they were practicing the so-called water system exercises.

The three young men took out a long sword at the same time, and this long sword showed a blue blade.

Three-handed five-grade treasure.


Even if the three of them swung their swords directly towards Xiao Yu, the river was underground, and these three long swords immediately swung a blue sword aura, which directly cut through the river and enveloped Xiao Yu.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's expression slightly changed. As soon as he activated his spiritual power and urged his spiritual power to come out, he unexpectedly discovered that he had lost 30% of his power.

"I understand, the reason for the formation! My loss is their increase!"

The three of them were originally the realm of Great Perfection in the converging state, but now everyone has 30% more combat effectiveness. Together, even the peak of the converging state can contend.

"Hahaha! Xiao Yu, it seems that you have already felt it? But you have already played, kill him!"

The killing intent of the three swords was even more awe-inspiring, and the intertwined sword net seemed to be able to strangle Xiao Yu into several pieces.

"Do you think this can kill me! Dreaming!"

The killing intent in Xiao Yu's heart was overwhelmed in an instant, and the Seven Star Sword started, and his spiritual power was completely activated by him.

"Tornado slaying!"

Xiao Yu was really angry. Haiyuan Swordsmanship originally had the attributes of the water system in it, but it seemed too weak when faced with the silver scale giant python, the third-level monster beast, but faced with these three confluences. Xiao Yu is not at all afraid of people who are in great perfection.


The tornado slaying is directly for the tens of meters of huge sword energy tornado, but because this water enchantment is surrounded by six sides, the tornado sword style is immediately stirred out in the entire 500 meters of space, and this terrible stirring is Power, there is a kind of turning the tide in it, and it directly strangled the sword style of these three young people into invisible.

The expressions of the three of them changed drastically. They did not expect that Xiao Yu would be able to launch this kind of attack even when he lost 30% of his spiritual strength.

"You angered me! You all have to die!"

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