Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1915: Ancient Royal Beast Flute (Part 2)

Xiao Yu frowned, and he couldn't think that Ji Yining would be so excited, what exactly is this Royal Beast Flute?

Listening to the name seems to be something that manipulates monsters.

Could it be like a demon pet that can be summoned?

But if this is the case, why did Ji Yining react so much?

"What is the Royal Beast Flute?" Xiao Yu couldn't help asking.

Ji Yining's complexion is still very ugly, he is fighting his injury to stand up to stop You Yuan, it is conceivable that this Royal Beast Flute is extraordinary.

He said in a deep voice, "The Royal Beast Flute is the ancient spirit weapon of the Western Regions of the Tomb. More precisely, it is the relic of the barbarians of the pre-ancient era. Our Ji family and You family are both descendants of the barbarians of the pre-ancient era. In the ancient times, there were a lot of strong people, but more of the ancient monsters, the chief bull head and thousands of guards, the one side was powerful, and the other side was the land of barbarians and monsters. In order to avoid the evil of monsters, the ancestors They refined various spirit tools that can control monsters, but..."

Ji Yining stared at You Yuan, gritted his teeth and said: "Things from the ancient times are called spirit weapons. But the ancient monster beasts have almost all died, and this spirit weapon has also become a ‘female weapon’..."

At this point, the smart Xiao Yu seemed to think of some eyes, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly flashes of blue light.

He took the words and said, "In other words, what they can control is the corpse of the monster beast!"

"Yes! This is the secret technique of your family's bloodline! Our Ji family controls half-humans and half-beasts similar to the Bull Head Chieftain, as well as human corpses, but they are monster corpses."

"Then how could this Royal Beast Flute be sealed by your Ji family?" Xiao Yu frowned.

According to what Ji Yining just said, shouldn't this Royal Beast Flute be in the hands of You Family?

The Ji family is in charge of human corpses, because Chief Bull Head is not a monster from a certain point of view, and the blood hoof is already half-human and half-beast.

And You Jia had the corpse of the ancient monster beast, which was very reasonable in itself.


You Yuan laughed three times, only one slutty and arrogant, and said: "Ji Yining, you seem to have something to say. This Royal Beast Flute does not belong to your Ji family, but ours!"

Immediately his voice became sharp, and he said angrily: "Three hundred years ago, our ancestors of the Yu family urged the Royal Beast Flute to refine the corpse, but your Ji family secretly attacked our You Family and took the Royal Beast Flute. It's also sealed up! Do you really think that you are the descendants of orthodox ancient humans? Do you think that the Tomb Western Region will be under your command? It is your selfishness that makes your Ji family go to extinction! "

"You talk nonsense!"

Ji Yining trembled with anger and said, "You don’t even know what's going on with these corpses! The ancient monster beasts are extremely violent, and they take pleasure in killing. Three hundred years ago, you called fifty ancient monsters. Corpse, but do you know how many people died? That's half a grave in the Western Region! It's because of this that our ancestors did it!"

"Don't be full of benevolence and morality!"

You Yuan was also furious. He furiously said: "Back then, we could have manipulated these monster corpses, it was you! It was your Ji family who didn't want to see our You family sitting big, so you made the move! You are simply selfish! Today Yu Beast Flute Falling into my hands again, I will reproduce the scene three hundred years ago. I want to let the entire Tomb Western Region know that only our You Family can control this place! Only our You Family is qualified to truly become the Tomb West Region. Master of the world!"

After all, the Royal Beast Flute was blown on You Yuan's mouth...

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